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quarta-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2012

The "cause of the world" (Churchill): Asteroids + Global Warming

Google - Churchill - 1939

Churchill's famous phrase, challenging the British to face of Nazism, which the historical view of the legendary statesman, was the cause that would unite the world or destroy it.

And Churchill was right, and foresight of a prophet, even before the indifference of European leaders, who could not see the monstrous danger came before his eyes: Hitler.

Never came a "cause" that really unites the world.

All great empires collapsed and visionaries of the past who tried to unite the world: Alexander, Genghis Khan, Rome, Greece, Persia, Hannibal, Mongols, Vikings, all failed to mobilize the world with the flag of a "cause of the world."

Jesus Christ could not ...

Modern Christianity has failed, despite all the efforts of the early apostles ...

The mythological Apostle Paul did not get success ...

The Catholic Church has failed, with the aberrations committed in the Middle Ages ...

Buddha, Mohammed, at last, "never, nobody, at any time (Lula)" managed to unite the world around the ultimate goal of a "cause of the world."

Stalin destroyed the "cause of the world" of the idealists of 1917 ...

1929 destroyed "the cause of the world" capitalist dream ...

In 1914 the insatiable European imperialism destroyed the dream of an "eternal peace", which would be "the cause of the world" ...

In 1939, the Nazis destroyed the dream of a world of "eternal peace" ...

The "League of Nations", then the UN, tried but never succeeded in identifying the "cause of the world" ...

The fight for or against nuclear weapons, has never been the "cause of the world", "world" conflicts of interest divided into unspeakable ...

The two Great World Wars, the carnage of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, September 11, and the billions of tons of barrels of human blood spilled into the dustbin of human history, the Holy War, and countless clashes of existential individualism, were ineffective in trying to identify "the cause of the world", unlike all attempts resulted in humanitarian disasters, which divided the world even more.

Not even the victors of World War II never came close to uniting the world, around a common cause for all peoples and nations ...

Only Hollywood, with its magnetizing disaster movies, could predict with relative accuracy the "cause of the world," which could unite all people ...

Google - Asteroid Aphophis - 2036

And Hollywood was right, was correct in his unconscious and monetarist predictions of the future world.

The date is set: 1936/1940, three events combined form the conjunction of a diabolical trinity, that Hollywood could not even imagine such proportions so catastrophic that can scan the human species on Earth.

We are definitely defeated, and Churchill could not save us, if humanity is not able to join with a "cause of the world," real, doable, not Hollywood, that threat to all living beings on Planet Earth, indistinctly creeds, philosophies, policies, social status, geographical location, ideology, race, color, or any other philosophical or existential astigmatism, artificially built up over ten thousand years of building an environmentally smug ignorance and indifference.

The "cause of the world" that energized Churchill, on the toughness needed to cope with the aberration of Nazism, reappears now in our time, to face a diabolical trinity, which will destroy the human species:

Asteroid in Aphophis possible and very likely collision course with Earth in 2036 ...

The latest discovery from NASA, the asteroid AG5, in probable collision course with Earth in 2040 ...

Google - Asteroid AG5 - 2040

Global warming and its catastrophic consequences, it is no longer a prediction, but is already a reality in our day ...

The global consequences of major environmental disasters: famine, disease and social disruption ...

The consequences of climate change, water shortages, food and significant geological changes ...

Added to the fear of the shock of Asteroids "Aphophis" and "AG5", form a perfect combination of high destructive potential of modern human civilization, and the survival of all living species.

And the consequences of these combinations, even if not materialized, will not prevent the catastrophic consequences, just the simple combination of mathematical possibilities, so that the picture is serious and worrying.

Through most fantastic discovery of humanity, that is the Internet, "Earth Day" in his frail and desperate effort to attract attention, raise awareness and mobilize the world to the need to save the human species through environmental conservation.

Google - Global warming - 2012

Alert, draws attention, denounces, cries, and cries for help so that this danger is released, and perhaps the ultimate act of theatrical representation of human, humanity can unite in 'cause the world " to fight desperately, all united in the same "cause of the world" in defense of environmental preservation, and reconstruction of what has been destroyed.

Earth Day
29 FEBRUARY 2012 - 10h: 19

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