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quarta-feira, 13 de julho de 2011

"The Inferno (hell) of Dante" - "Abandon all hope, ye who enter!"

"The Inferno (hell) (of Dante")

Inferno (hell) (Divine Comedy)

"Abandon all hope, ye who enter!"
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Hell is the first part of the "Divine Comedy" by Dante Alighieri, the other two oPurgatório and Paradise. It is divided into thirty-four corners (a division of long poems), having more than one corner to the other two parties, which serves as an introduction to the poem. Dante's journey is an allegory through what is essentially the medieval concept of Hell, guided by the Roman poet Virgil.In the poem, hell is described in nine circles of pain located within the Earth. It was written at the beginning doséculo XIV. The most diverse painters of all time created illustrations for this work, standing out Botticelli, Dalí and Gustave Doré.
Hell is formed by Nine Circles, Three Valleys, Ten and Four Ball Pits. This organization was based on the medieval theory that the universe was formed by concentric circles. Hell was created in the fall of Lucifer from Heaven Lucifer would have fallen in Jerusalem, the Holy Land, therefore, there is the Gate of Hell. Hell becomes deeper every round, because the sins are more serious. So the sins are less serious at the very beginning, and the most serious in the end.
The justice of hell in the corner 11 is discussed according to Aristotle's idea that reports, in his Nicomachean Ethics: "it should be noted that there are three aspects of things that should be avoided modes: malice, incontinence and bestiality ". The soul is incontinent fault but the fault is less serious than the fraud (bad faith), the will to sin. This will, when it originates as a manifestation of the animal nature is still less severe than that of sin that is committed willfully, using the intelligence of human beings for evil, yet it is less severe an individual plan and execute a crime against a stranger, who can defend the stranger who threatens that he do the same with someone who trusts him, and this is helpless, so the betrayal, is considered the greatest sin, which receives the maximum punishment in the most profound hell.
Hell's Gate has no doors or locks, only one arc with a warning that warns, once inside, one must abandon all hope of seeing the sky, because there can not be back. The soul is only free will while alive, so alive it is decided by heaven or hell. After her death, loses the ability to reason and make decisions.
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.)

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"The Inferno (hell) of Dante" (Author: RUI SANTOS DE SOUZA)

Food: The need to feed seven billion human beings, exhausted all natural resources of Planet Earth, preventing any possibility of rational use of land and water sources available
Housing: Unable to provide safe housing, comfortable to seven billion human beings who are forced to survive in small spaces, hazardous areas, in flimsy.
Safety: No existing standards in the current population, the picture will suffer a worsening of insecurity unbearable, because the population increase, due to the lack of necessary living conditions, cause new security problems, and increase existing ones.
The competition for water, food and space, promote an unimaginable scene of urban unrest.
Future wars will aim to achieve food and geographical spaces that still exist before the current picture of climatic and geologic changes.
Number of law enforcement necessary, construction of prisons, the state apparatus and educational programs, in number of grandeur, unrealizable.
Health: Diseases and Epidemics, pandemics. The Global Surveillance and Control will be unable to protect, immunize, produce and distribute drugs and vaccines to seven billion human beings in all regions of the Earth.
The need for hospitals, doctors, nurses, financial resources for health care than seven billion people, will cause the collapse of any structure of logistics.
Transportation: If the current picture of quality of public transport is bad, will be impossible in a few years before the demand of seven billion people.
Education: Unable to build and deliver educational programs to seven billion people, even sectored by countries, regions, because the consumption of culture and education will be increasingly in the background, in the face of basic essential needs unmet.
No one seeks education and culture, with an empty stomach, no homeless, and sick.
Infrastructure: The large urban areas, currently already saturated, will come into complete collapse, without any conditions assistance organized, efficient and immediate, public authorities overloaded with simple daily needs.
Natural Disasters: The Earth has always faced natural disasters, caused by meteor impacts and major comets, eruptions of super volcanoes, earthquakes of high magnitude, huge tsunamis, epic droughts, devastating floods, landslides of urban land, powerful tornadoes , major hurricanes, blizzards, frosts, periods of glaciation, but never, sandstorms, heat, but never with the ability to destroy life, economy, transport, housing, feeds, huge cities, which are home to seven million people.
Space: The space available for agriculture and secure housing will become increasingly difficult to meet the needs demand a super-population of seven billion people.
70% of Earth's Oceans is made, the remaining 30% consists of mountains, hills, deserts, rivers, mangroves, islands uninhabitable, volcanoes, or what little is left of the forests.
Where to plant, build, deploy new industries, airports, schools, hospitals, roads, housing an astronomical number of people affected by natural disasters inevitable, relentless?
A macabre scene of terror, that mankind has never experienced, come on, just watch the clouds change, envision astronomical events of the past, listening to the drumbeat of Mother Nature, warning about upcoming major events since late geological, astronomical as late as it is Mother Nature, in the depths of pity at our ignorance and foolishness, giving time to our species, for us to take urgent preventive measures to minimize the exhibit "The Inferno (
hell) of Dante," macabre horror, which approaches, to wipe out billions of human beings, with health consequences, health, burial, and shelter, food, security and all the infrastructure needed to rescue the few survivors.

RUI SANTOS DE SOUZABrazil, Curitiba, July 13, 2011 - 21h: 31

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