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sábado, 30 de julho de 2011

Astronomy: "When the 'random' sets the rules ... Science may be insufficient" (A)

Book: "The technological Monkeys"

Second Chapter.

"When the random dictates the rules, science may prove to be insufficient" (Roger Trimer)

Astronomy and geology are the two areas of science that can give the verdict that will decide the future of Planet Earth.

Astronomy needs sufficient financial resources to find and observe the asteroids, calculate their orbits, making complex calculations about the likelihood of a collision course with Earth.

Astronomy requires all financial resources, it has the responsibility to put powerful radio telescopes in the side of the Moon, by computing the received data, creating an invisible rule that defines the orbit of the asteroid, with an accuracy of centimeters.

Astronomy has a responsibility to make the fullest possible survey of asteroids and comets that cross Earth's orbit, determining the possibility of a potential threat.

Need a budget that mission by building a network in the world for telescopes.

Have been detected more than a million asteroids, but the work of astronomy can not stop because there is a possibility of an intruder appears remote uncharted regions of the Solar System.

May arise in the solar system, an asteroid intruder crossing the ótbita Saturn towards the sun

That's exactly what happened in Siberia, Tunguska, in 1908.

The shock waves knocked over more than two thousand square kilometers of native trees, and the crash was the strongest since the explosion of Krakatoa.

Two hours late on its collision course, and Moscow had been reached.

Meteorites do not fall on Earth fall into the sun, but Earth is the way (John W. Campbell).

The moon and all celestial bodies, even those of smaller size, are exposed to a constant cosmic bombardment. Just check the tags of the craters, all of them.

At this point the connection is established between the astronomy and geology, as the geologists are responsible to find the craters.

Most of the older craters are covered by climate change and geological terrain. Other craters are so immense that can only be detected from space.

The extinction of the dinosaurs went extinct between the Cretaceous and Tertiary, and today we know that the cause was a global catastrophe, as a result of a fallen meteor.

According to recent studies, every one million years of a catastrophic collision occurs, causing the extinction of almost all species, the last registered, the dinosaurs, it's been 70 million years, so a collision causing a global catastrophe, already 70 million years late.

Right now, you open the screen of your computer to read this article, a celestial body of unknown proportions, an approximate speed of 50,000 kilometers per hour, traveling toward the sun, attracted by its gravitational force, and we are in way, and the shock will be fatal, a death sentence for nearly all species.

This event is sure, we need to know what day and time, be aware, all the necessary resources to invest in research in astronomy, building all the more powerful radio telescopes more possible, position them on the side of the Moon, issue warnings and prevent a global extinction of all species, or worse, depending on the proportions of the object, its dimensions and mass, there may be a destruction of our magnetic protection, ending the force of gravity on Earth, making it impossible to life, which we know have occurred in Mars, in its geological past.

"An intelligence that at a given time could comprehend all the forces by which nature is animated ... a vast intelligence enough to submit these data to analysis ... would encompass the same formula the movements of the greatest bodies of the universe and smallest atoms, to this intelligence nothing would be uncertain, and the future as the past would be present in his eyes. " (Pierre Simon de Laplace, 1814 - French mathematician).

The intelligence came predicted by Laplace, and formulated the "chaos theory".

"Cosmic Vision", is aa interdisciplinarity, connection between all the sciences, provides an interpretation of the future life chances, counting and tabulating the coordinates of the "accident."

I imagine that at this present moment, when NASA announced that a satellite is orbiting the meteor "Vesta", with considerable dimensions of approximately 525 kilometers long, secret and shameful public purpose, is to receive satellite radio signals and may observe and calculate the orbit of the meteor, accurately, that by its size has a small moon.

In astronomy, there is no place for "certainty" or "hope."

In astronomy there is room for much financial investment, scientific research, construction of high-tech equipment in order to alert and prevent them.

Astronomy can not fail, need to calculate the probability of "chance" can not be "insufficient".

The financial resources dedicated to astronomical research can not be diverted to the war, can not leak into the drain of corruption, much less be used for the consumption of unnecessary accessories.

The financial resources dedicated to astronomy can not be used for war, warships, warplanes, war operations, sustain the financial cost of the war that claimed the lives of young soldiers.

Astronomy aims to investigate, observe and perform calculations necessary in order to "save" and prolong lives.

The financial resources dedicated to research and astronomical equipment can not be appropriated by corrupt public officials.

Much less wasted on unnecessary consumerism accessories: decorative public works, for electoral purposes.

The Panet Earth shows the scars of over a thousand meteor impacts, some extending hundreds of miles.

There is a huge scar in Arizona, U.S..

When random dictates the rules, astronomy can not be insificiente.

Planet Earth is a 365-day journey around the sun every year, a trip on the outskirts of the Milky Way, with millions of dangerous obstacles in the path.

We rely on the sun, the stability of the orbits of billions of other celestial bodies that surround the Earth.

Storms, meteors, crashes, deviations of the orbit, invading countless dangers threatening life on Earth.

Astronomy may not be sufficient:
Need to calculate the invisible ...
Impossible to predict the ...
Measure the infinite ...
Weigh the mass of the imponderable ...
Calculate the odds random ...
Setting the uncertain ...
Perform the fiction ...

The Outer Space is full of life, but chance dictates the rules

When astronomy is insufficient, the only refuge is the despair ...

We will continue talking about astronomy in the next chapter.

These items are part of a book I'm writing, sold at
one U.S. dollar chapter, and funds from the sale will be applied in the project "Mapping of sea level rise, the Brazilian coast.

Make your donation
one U.S. dollar

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Brazil, Curitiba, 30 July 2011 - 08: h: 50

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