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domingo, 17 de julho de 2011

The eternal quest for Philosopher's Stone

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
The Philosopher's Stone (Lapis Philosophorum) was the main goal of the alchemists. According to legend, was an object that could approach the man of God. With it, any alchemist could transmute metal into gold, but also get the Elixir of Life [1] that would prolong life indefinitely. Work on the philosopher's stone was called by the alchemists of "The Great Work" (or "Magna Opus" in Latin).The legend of the philosopher's stone does not exist in Chinese alchemy.
The philosopher's stone could not only effect the transmutation, but also prepare the Elixir of Life, a universal panacea, which would prolong life indefinitely. This demonstrates the concerns of the alchemists with health and medicine. Many alchemists are considered forerunners of modern medicine, and among them stands out Paracelsus.
The search for this philosopher's stone is in a sense, similar to search for the Holy Grail of Arthurian legend. In his romance Parzival, Wolfram von Eschenbach associates the Holy Grail is not a chalice, but a stone that had been sent from heaven by heavenly beings and have unimaginable power.
Throughout history the creation of the Philosopher's Stone was assigned to various personalities, as Paracelsus Fulcanelli, but it is undeniable that the most famous legend refers to Nicolas Flamel, a real alchemist who lived in the fourteenth century. According to myth, Flamel found an old book containing text interspersed with enigmatic drawings. But even after much study it, Flamel could not understand what it was.According to legend, he met a Jewish sage on a road in Santiago in Spain, who translated the book, which was Kabbalah and alchemy, having the formula for the philosopher's stone. Through this book, managed to make the stone, according to legend, this was the reason of the wealth of Flamel, who also made several charities, adorning them with alchemical symbols. When he died, Flamel's house was looted by treasure hunters eager to find the philosopher's stone. Legend has it that in fact both Flamel and his wife did not die, and that in their tombs were found only his clothes instead of their bodies.

It is mentioned in the book / movie Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, the first of the saga

THE ETERNAL SEARCH FOR Philosopher's Stone

The success of the book / movie series "Harry Potter", which mobilizes millions of people in the world, is the result of human endeavor, instinctive and primitive, the "Philosopher's Stone," or the "Holy Grail", but to facilitate understanding this paper, we will mention the "Philosopher's Stone."
The quest is eternal, always seek the secret of success without effort.
Lotteries are nothing more than "Sorcerer's Stone" that everyone seeks, and the power, through a sequence of numbers unknown, transforming the lives, fulfill all the desires of the winner.
All religions of the world claim to have "Stone", which puts the faithful in direct contact with God.
Politicians think they have the "Sorcerer's Stone", turning them into absolute masters over life and death of people, looted every day, under the guise of an immoral law.
Laws, if not immoral and discriminatory, would be the "Philosopher's Stone" Public Administration, to control society in a preventive and peaceful.
The fighting is fiercest in the "Economy" in the "Business World" when it comes to money, purchases and sales, as all seek to find the "Sorcerer's Stone" that turns any trash into cash.
In economics and finance in the world, everyone wants to win big, no matter what, at any price, a profit and the injury of all.
Philosopher's Stone in the social, family, community, without seeking the personal advantage of easy money, even at the expense of the community.
The financial planners, military, industrial, commercial, political, religious, we all seek, desperately, to find the secrets of the "Philosopher's Stone."
In Arts, Sciences, Entertainment, Technology, feelings, businesses, all seeking the secret that enables the transformation, the achievement, success, fame, pleasure, profit.
There is no possibility of turning iron into gold, through magic.
The Alchemists modern waste time, energy and resources and spend no return in this desperate search of "Sorcerer's Stone."
The search for "Stone", happiness, eternal-life, health, peace, justice, equality, preservation of life of all species, but this is possible, but we will find within each us.
The Philosopher's Stone is found in the Macrocosm and Microcosm individual.
The "Stone" is a reality within a worldview that allows you to find a perfect harmony with Mother Nature.
The search for "Stone" purely financial, speculative, effortlessly, with fast and easy profits, has led us to the social-political-economic-environmental-moral, where we are today.
The Philosopher's Stone, there is closer than we think or suspect, just look at Mother Nature inside our fellow men, and also the different.
The quest for the Philosopher's Stone that turns iron into precious metals, led to the depletion of natural resources.
Attempts to transform iron, water, forests, human flesh, slave labor, sex, drugs, health, housing, all ingold, resulted in the current picture of a highly technological civilization, but savage, autophagic,unfair, unequal, corrupt, indifferent, selfish , aggressive, terrorism, regardless of the true values ​​that we must worship.

The true Philosopher's Stone will be found in our ability to gather enough forces to conserve nature and healthy living.
Mother Nature is the "Fountain of Eternal Life" which we all seek, is the "link" that connects us to the Deity, preserving our life and all future generations.
RUI SANTOS DE SOUZABrazil, Curitiba, July 17, 2011 - 21h: 24

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