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segunda-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2012

Chronology of the End of the World: The Mayan Prophecy hit, but missed the date ...

For this Mother's heart bleeding, is the End of the World...
Google Image

Map of World's End, where the world has ended and before the date set by the Mayans ....

The World is over in the United States of America, long ago, in consequence of obsessive gun culture, indifference climate policies and imperialist warmongers, resulting in Newtown - Connecticut-US

The World is over in Haiti - Earthquake, famine, poverty and flooding ...

The World ended in Pakistan with the floods, wars, Taliban and terrorism ....

The world already ended in Japan with the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear reactor explosion in Fukushima, and the government's lies about the severity of the situation ...

In Iraq, the world is over, destroyed by Saddam Hussein, U.S. invasion, terrorism, and Osama Bin Laden ...

In Syria the End of the World has already happened, the genocide led Bashar al-Assad against the Syrian people ...

In Argentina the End of the World has already happened, at the initiative of Cristina Kirchner ...

The World is over in Brazil - destroyed by political scoundrels Corruption, debauched and cynical, urban violence, political illiteracy ...

The African continent has been destroyed long ago, is completely devastated by invasions Imperialists in the past, hunger, thirst, poverty, refugees, tribal wars ...

In Greece, cultural cradle of Western civilization, the world has ended because of an economic crisis caused by corruption ...

Spain, Portugal, completely wiped out by financial crises ...

The Taliban fanatics and murderers already promoted the End of the World in Afghanistan, long ago ...

In Israel and Palestine, the world is over too long ago ...

The End of the World has happened in Iran, with the obsession to destroy Israel ...

Italy has already gone, devoured by the Sicilian Mafia ...

The End of the World has already happened in Russia since Stalin ...

Germany has happened since the end of World Hitler, just forgot to tell Angela Merkel ...

The End of the World has already happened in England since the suspected death of Diana, Princess of Wales ...

The End of the World has already happened in China since Mao Tse Tung ...

In North Korea the World's End has happened since Kim Jong-il ...

After all, where the lack happen "End of the World?

Everything is destroyed, nothing left.

The Tornado Bopha already ended world of Filipinos ...

The Super Storm Sandy ended with the world of the inhabitants of New Jersey ...

The Mayans hit the "End of the World Prophecy", but missed the date, day 21/12/2012, has nothing more to be destroyed, everything is over, long ago ...

Earth Day
Brazil, Curitiba, December 17, 2012 - 12h: 12

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