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domingo, 11 de dezembro de 2011

The Future of Humanity: The only certainty ...

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The only certainty is that humanity's future is uncertain.

The COP17 Conference in Durban for the UN, once again, failed.

The statements made by UN Secretary General, that an agreement was signed at the last minute, is inconsistent and propagandist, not to admit the failure of the negotiations.

It was evident, once again, now on climate change, the gap between the rich and poor nations.

The UN has always fulfilled its mission of making attempts to promote peace in the world, ending hunger and poverty, to avoid bloody conflicts, unnecessary wars, balance of the global economy, protecting the rights of women, children, education, disease, but always attempts were frustrated, because what prevails and determines the future of humanity are powerful economic interests, led by the wealthiest nations on earth. It was ever thus, and it is illusory to think that will change.

We live in permanent wars and conflicts of interest on each and any problem, whether local, regional, or global.

The economic and industrial progress built the current model of the world economy, but the same economic model is destroying any possibility of a better future for generations to come.

The climate issue, with changes occurring at a dizzying scale, reaching the major urban centers with environmental disasters of major proportions, reflected in food prices, water shortages, death, disease, massive financial losses in transport, communications, is more than one aggravating factor on the world stage.

At this point, that the attempt of a climate agreement failed because agreement can not happen, and even if an agreement had been concluded, the parties do not comply, it became clear the only certainty about the future of humanity: environmental Tragedies of large proportions.

There is strong evidence, thousands of reports, reported facts, research, models, calculations, indicating a steep escalation of climate change, with consequences geological, economic, structural, that will affect the future of human life on Planet Earth.

With Planet Earth nothing will happen, just one of thousands of changes have occurred in the geological past.

But there are major uncertainties about the future of our species.

Climate change and geological past we humans were not here.

The world economy did not depend on sophisticated technologies that could be affected by weather.

Although people, governments, all remain indifferent, there is a clear link between earthquakes, hurricanes, earth's rotation, magnetic axis, movement of the winds, the direction of ocean currents, magnetic shielding, extinction of marine species, destruction of forests, towering CO2 and methane gas, everything is directly related.

Climate change will affect and geological large water storage dams, will affect the structures of nuclear power plants, as happened in Japan, the tsunami will destroy the heavily populated coastal areas, the methane gas and high concentrations of CO2 is already making unbreathable air, sea levels rising, glaciers melting, significant increase in the number and intensity of earthquakes in major urban areas, intense movement of tectonic plates, and more added all the right result is: an uncertain future for us, and all other living species that depend on the environment.

Other species can survive in any environment adaptation: fungi, bacteria, reptiles, and others. But the more evolved species of life are committed to the future.

But the global economic interests are concerned and committed to other priorities: fun, weapons, speculation, economic, territorial conquests, easy profit, trade, political and ideological clashes, exploitation of labor, slave labor, drug sales, new models of equipment electronics.

It remains one certainty: the future is uncertain.

At the end of another year ends, the 2011, let's wait for the statistics of environmental tragedies of next year, 2012.

Wishing a Happy New Year, in late 2011, not optimism, but irresponsibility and alienation, before coming on stage for the next year.

Brazil, Curitiba, December 11, 2011 - 11h: 23

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