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terça-feira, 13 de novembro de 2012

Brazil: Disorder and Return (The Urban Terrorism in Brazil)


Brazil has become the great University of Crime ...

What is happening in Brazil is no longer instances of urban violence, statistically acceptable ...

We are facing the frontal attack of "Urban Terrorism" against the defenseless population, cowardly, fearful, doped equally unscrupulous ...

Audacious attacks, daily, the banks ...

Armed attacks, daily, to police stations ...

Stray bullets ...

Children murdered inside the classrooms ...

Transit killer ...

Criminal tax burden ...

Municipalities robbing citizens through electronic means hidden ...

Military police completely demoralized ...

Police and Civil Jurassic Medieval ...

Flanelinhas assaulting citizens in every corner ...

Adulterated gasoline ...

Counterfeit drugs ...

Drinks Fake ...

Universities sell diplomas ...

Public tenders fraudulent ...

Weight of products fraudulent ...

Foods with a shelf life losers ...

Super Markets that put a price on the sales area, and another in the system, to steal unsuspecting customers ...

Traffic agents and police officers hidden behind the walls of schools, only to fine citizens ...

Financial institutions that charge interest rates of criminals and debasing their own customers ...

Salaries unworthy ...

Retirements outrageous ...

Anyway, the list of criminal activities daily consistent in Brazil, are innumerable, and the few readers who dare to read this article to know are bald ...

What is the origin of this urban terrorism in Brazil?

There are thousands, but we will only list the main ones:

Presidents of the Republic lenient and colluding with organized crime ...

Ministers of State criminals ... but enjoy immunity and go unpunished ...

Governors criminals, but they enjoy immunity and go unpunished ...

Senators, Representatives, Councillors, Secretaries and Advisors, forming real gangs to steal public money, but they enjoy immunity and go unpunished ...

The Legislative Chambers are transformed into real Universities of Organized Crime ...

A Judiciary that only holds chicken thief and margarine tubs ...

Public Prisons and jails crowded, transformed into "Campus", the great University of Crime Brazil ...

Correctional officers comungados with gangs who run crime, through members of law enforcement ...

Unscrupulous lawyers ...

Judges and Judges purchased ...

Media that only sell cretinices, bad examples, bandalheiras, sex and marital betrayals ...

Teachers unprepared ...

Students addicted to hard drugs ...

Labor relations terrorists, noncompliance, senzalas true that devalue the value of human labor ...

Citizens are more afraid of the police than the actual bandits ...

Universities sell diplomas ...

Transformed into political parties "Mafia families" ...

Policeman kills ...

Policeman dies ...

The "State", steals the Citizen, Citizen and steals the State ...

Idiocy, Cynicism and spirit of debauchery in the face of Republican Institutions ...

People indifferent Illiterate Voter Political, vote buying, exchanging favors, corporatism ...

Jingoism and irresponsible appreciation of what ought to be ashamed ...

Demoralization total of all civic values, resulting in this Dantesque picture of misery ethics and civic ...

The Brazilian People, besieged, hungry, illiterate, is cowed, without spirit, without idealism, incapable of reacting, because it depends on government handouts of gangsters ...

Genocide committed in the institutionalized corruption that diverts money from public school lunches, hospital medicines, pay for doctors and teachers, and plug the holes of the roads ...

The Brazilians lost more than courage, lost to shame in the face, lost self love, lost their sense of dignity, lost the ability to be indignant, react, vote, demand, charge ...

Meanwhile, the Royal Court's Power Mafioso installed in Brazil cynically pretends to be concerned with?

- World Cup ...

- Olympics ...

- Utopian and dubious pre-salt ...

São Paulo, the largest city, industrial park and largest GDP in Brazil, fell, is subdued, feet, kneeling before the criminals in uniform, plainclothes, robins, graduates, immune, hereditary, who plundered all the wealth inherited from Bandeirantes .. .

Where vai Sao Paulo, Brazil vai ago ...

The news media today reported terrorist attacks and also in Florianopolis Minas Gerais ...

The good students, who follow the example of the rulers, revile any notion of civility ...

São Paulo fell, Brazil is kneeling, chained, humiliated, given the widespread crime that precludes any alternative decent life for survivors ...

There is little hope ...

A civil war? The Brazilian is too cowardly to such audacity ...

A new military uprising? Unlikely because neither the military wants to stick his hand in this criminal campfire, making Brazil in flames, and turns everything into ashes civic ...

The only change is possible outputs, go to other countries quieter, more civilized: Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Gaza, no matter, Brazil is worse than there ...

A Brazilian citizen outraged and amazed before the attacks of urban terrorism, and the apathy and cowardice of the population ...
Brazil, Curitiba, November 13, 2012 - 23h: 27

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