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domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011

A disturbing question: Is there link between floods x geological faults?

I'll sleep tonight deeply concerned about adisturbing question.

We know that strong winds cause huge waveson the beaches, the waves rise in the level of the oceans ...

Occurs the same pressure on the earth's crust,with what consequences in areas of geological faults?

Considering our total ignorance about the linksbetween global warming, climate changes,geological changes, earthquakes, hurricanes, rising ocean temperatures, rising sea levels, changes in Axis-Earth and its climate and geological consequences, I confess that acrucial issue is a cause of deep distress at this moment that I follow closely the news about the progress of Hurricane Irene.

The overwhelming question is: Is there any relationship between geophysical hurricanes (strong winds, huge amounts of waterprecipitated on a geographically limited area)and the tectonic movements in the region ofgeological faults?

The waters rushed in one point, in large quantities, which lead to consequences for fault lines in the region affected?

The very strong winds pushing the Earth's mantle, increasing the friction on the fault lines?

The strong currents of water from the floodcaused by a hurricane, to penetrate the fault zone, and lubricating them, cause what kind ofreaction?

I do not know the answer, I researched andfound nothing, but this question came up and I need to find the answer.

If someone is aware of studies that can answer this question, could post the Twittter.

Brazil, Curitiba, August 27, 2011 - 23h: 52 -

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