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domingo, 5 de setembro de 2010

The shield of ignorance

The word "ignorance" to mean "ignore", ignore, lack of knowledge.

The "ignorance" or lack of scientific knowledge regarding climate change.

When the layman hears "Science", the thought that occurs is that of a super-knowledge, organized, disciplined, sketched and consistent, which is not true in fact.

"Science is a process of moving slow, isolated, without financial resources, isolated findings, often without the resources to test evidence, and what is worse, the new findings are dependent on approval or opposition of the" Scientific Community ", which not followed the research conducted, and generally disputes the findings and conclusions reported by the discoverer.

As a rule, the scientific researcher in any field of knowledge, work facing immense difficulties, is regarded with suspicion by its research partners, not to mention unfair competition, and personal vanity of each researcher, who will not be exceeded, nor challenged.

Always been so throughout the history of the scientific advances of mankind.

All great discoveries were the result of isolated, brave men who do not quit in the face of difficulties, the face of incredulity from other scientists who "ignored", lack of financial reursos, indifference of public opinion, and on the international scientific community.

The discovery of the lamp, the invention of the automobile, penicillin, radio, television, airplane, telephone, research on diseases that kill thousands of human beings, for lack of vaccines and antibiotics.

In Music, Art, culture, Flosofia, Psychology, Medicine, Engineering, in all areas of human knowledge, the pioneers, discoverers, inventors, were ignored by his contemporaries "ignorant"

The list of pioneers of scientific knowledge shows the personal lives of real heroes, lonely, in a battle against "ignorance, or rather against the" ignorance "institutionalized, sanctified with the blessing of" ignorance. "

Climate change, with the possible consequences geological, chemical, thermal, physical, and biological weapons, is another moment of great challenge for scientists researching the strong evidence of an accelerating process of global warming.

"Ignorance" is reinforced. Tightly closed, isolated, full of certainty and ready answers for all new questions and challenges climate.

Nothing is more stable, lasting, permanent, eternal, immutable than the "ignorance".

"Ignorance" is arrogant, omnipotent, omniscient, admits of no doubt, makes no concessions, no questions, and never have doubts.

"Ignorance" does not suffer, never lose sleep, and neither is distressed because the fullness of their unquestionable certainties, look with contempt for those who need to know more about issues not satisfactorily resolved or can each see more progress.

The new knowledge, innovative research, boundless creativity, new paradigms, different idea, changes in positioning, a review of concepts, everything is just heresy and blasphemy for the "ignorance"

Just remember the reaction of "ignorance" in the Middle Ages, in the face of new scientific discoveries, particularly in the areas of astronomy, biology and medicine.

"Ignorance" sure you already know everything we are allowed to know that the world is like that, nothing will change for all eternity, we're safe, and those who are inventing new ideas and concepts are only crazy, or something even worse.

"Ignorance" sure that the tragic consequences of climate change, the real possibility of an accelerated process of self-extinction of humanity, the need for urgent preventive measures to deal with environmental disasters, all these issues are the fertile imagination of people who should look for something more important to look after.

"Ignorance" is screened, nothing to reach or affect.

The knowledge of the facts is too disturbing, distressing, requires innovative action, changes, which is unbearable for those who "ignore".

By ignoring the new mechanisms and processes, to advance science or scientific knowledge, "ignorance" is isolated, abandoned, lost, bewildered, before reacting strongly due to the expansion of human knowledge, which would shake the throne of "ignorance."

Brazil, Curitiba, September 5, 2010 - 05h: 48

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