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segunda-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2016

Turn dreams into reality, or face the nightmares.

Turn dreams into reality, or face the nightmares.

Environmental preservation: transform the dream into reality, or reality will turn our dream into a nightmare.

Earth Day, every day, releases and alerts and news on the need for environmental preservation.

We are determined to organize, set up and make it happen in fact, the Free University of the Environment in the Amazon without government bonds, bureaucratic, which would prevent the freedom to monitor, report and act preventively against predatory actions of destruction of the natural environment of Amazon.

There is plenty to do, the challenges are immense.

Faced with the enormous challenges to be faced, we would have to start the fight somewhere specific, a symbol with enough power to promote mobilized all human, and we chose the Amazon forest, because it is the largest green reserve in the world, who is suffering an intense and accelerated process of destruction.

The Brazilian government is helpless, unable to protect the Amazon.

The Brazilian government's failure to protect the Amazon forest is a result of historical and disastrous inefficiency administrative of public administration machine in Brazil, mired to the neck in the mire of corruption and chronic inefficiency that plagues the industry.

We can no longer remain indifferent, passive, inert, given the brutal destruction of the largest natural heritage of Brazil, which is the Amazon rainforest.

We can not allow the Brazilian rulers do with Amazon so did with Petrobras, with education, with health of Brazilians, with the Public Security with the economy of a country rich but impoverished and is bankrupt due to bad, inefficient and criminally corrupt Brazilian public management.

It is public and notorious administrative failure of Brazilian governments, motivated solely by personal, unscrupulous interests, with no notion of public spirit.

Faced with this sad and tragic reality, the "Earth Day" takes on the responsibility of leading arduous environmental protection task in Brazil, starting its activities with the "Golden Lecture" in celebration of the beginning of the activities of the Free University of the Environment in the Amazon.

That they are aware and conscious, all Brazilians and all the inhabitants of Planet Earth, we will be able to turn our dream into reality, preserve natural environments, ecosystems, fauna, flora, biodiversity, biomes, or else we are destined to wake up soon, before the nightmare of the major natural disasters that destroy the modern human civilization.

Millions of humans, scattered in different regions of the Earth are having the same dream, the dream of the need to act quickly and efficiently in the face of the dangerous consequences of the destruction of the natural environment, many are already acting honestly, but we are all acting alone, timid, shy, almost embarrassed.

There is an inevitable urgency, undeniable and urgent need for unity of all forces globally.

The dream to preserve and ensure self sustainability of natural environments is the only option in order to guarantee the right to safe and healthy life of the next generations.

All of us, humankind soldiers in defense of environmental preservation around the world, we must unite our forces, promote, encourage, support and contribute in some way, so that our dream does not turn into a nightmare, so unpredictable consequences , we bitterly regret the day we wake up.

It is not a matter of saving the earth, save our planet, it is rather a question of saving, to ensure the future of the next generations of our and other species.

The Earth, cyclic and natural way will recreate other species, as has happened five times in our geological past, but now, at this very moment, is undergoing rapid execution the sixth extinction, and the "flavor of the month" are the future generations, that is, our children, our grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

No benefit will be obtained from the accumulated wealth today if we do not secure our future.

If we fail to transform the dream into reality (to preserve the natural environment), certainly scientifically proven, it will be our nightmare of tomorrow.

This is our greatest challenge ever faced in the history of mankind for the first time, the human species able to open up their cultural, ethnic, political, religious, ideological and economic, so that together, uniting all possible forces, we can the power needed to reverse this tragic scenario, a nightmare of global warming in unpredictable scale, capable of generating overwhelming natural disasters, invincible and sunk proportions.

In good time, and full of hope that our dream is come true, today, right now, is the historic moment of unity of all forces so that together we can overcome the inexcusable fight in defense of self environmental sustainability, while still You can, before it's too late.

Earth Day, to take the national and international leadership in support of the necessary, essential environmental protection, the unconditional preservation of the Amazon rainforest, challenges to all humans to carry out this urgent mission: To protect the Amazon forest, using all the means and humanistic and civilizing weapons possible.

Free University of the Environment in the Amazon

Earth's Day

January 11, 2016

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