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domingo, 16 de janeiro de 2011

#climate and #geological changes: Signs not decoded

I love to read the Old Testament, some parts are very interesting and incredibly updated for today.

Many scriptures describe the wrath of kings and the people ignorant, illiterate all, from that time, before the prophets who lied, who had the courage to tell the truth about the next tragedy.

Kings and "ignorant mass," did not like the gloomy forecasts, against the wishes of the King, all kings and people, just wanted to optimistic predictions.

Just enjoyed the favors of the prophets who were Kings optimistic forecasts, and the prophets who made predictions of disaster were punished, sawn asunder, beheaded or banished from the kingdom.

Incredible as it continues all the same, five thousand years after these biblical writings.

I just read an article, @itecursos @gemswinc @NYTimes: #Quakes, #Tectonic and Theoretical, which confirms what I have been saying since February 2010, almost a year in which the note following:

The climate and geological change currently taking place on Planet Earth are causing climate and geological consequences entirely unknown, and because they are unknown, totally unpredictable.

Consider the following theoretical and scientific, proven later, which is peaceful and scientific as possible in:

Oceans are with their currents reversed as a result of climate and geological changes occurring on our Planet Earth, which enables those changes affect the Earth's Rotation as a succession of earthquakes is changing the inclination of the axis of our planet.

Large concentrations of rain, localized flooding causing disproportionate to the ground, causing increased pressure on the driving plate tectonics affected, with unknown consequences, and therefore unpredictable.

Adding a reversal of ocean currents, with the physical pressure of accumulated water in the floods, we have the scientific hypothesis of possible influence on the movements of the tectonic plates of the Earth.

We have other evidence of unknown phenomena, which associates, may be causing significant changes, without us noticing:

The change in atmospheric pressure and its effects on the mantle ...

The physical pressure of the water accumulated on the movement of tectonic plates in their points of friction, cracks in geological ...

The change of temperatures of oceans and large lakes, with consequences for plate tectonics ...

Changing the temperature of the mantle, influencing the shape and unknown consequences, therefore, unpredictable on the tectonic plates ...

Melting glaciers, adding to the waterproofing of the urban, more unplanned extraction of natural resources deep in the mantle ...

The release of methane accumulated in Arctic permafrost layer, with a destructive power 30 times that of carbon odióxido ..., influencing and provoking reactions unknown about the weather, which changes the geology and climate ...

The human process of industrialization, and its unpredictable consequences on the climate and geology of the earth ...

These and other phenomena that are not mentioned, associated, evidently causing consequences are unknown, as it has not been studied, which science at present does not know, and when you see the consequences have been too late to ensure the survival of life on Planet Earth.

We have other phenomena, currently underway, with unknown consequences, if they are associated, the more pessimistic predictions and prophecies will be surpassed in grandeur scale geological and climatic catastrophe events:

Tectonic movement causing a sequence of earthquakes with an intensity and frequency have not yet recorded in modern history.

Volcanic eruptions, though currently on a small scale, causing successive earthquakes, the largest planetary tectonic movement, but cases are associated with planetary (and probably are), can awaken other most dangerous volcanoes, as is the case of Krakatoa volcano in Indonesia, or the Yellowstone super volcano, or in other geologically sensitive regions.

Dire predictions that displease the Kings and the people of today, but entirely scientifically plausible, given the delay in our climate and geological research.

Very little is known about the tectonic movement, gigantic plates that overlap, one over the other, float, swing, dancing on a huge seething magma, causing huge pressures on continents, spread out away from each other, while invading the land of others, and all torn by great geological cracks, fissures have not been studied, with gobs of steaming lava, spewing gases, ash, warming our atmosphere, our oceans, working as real engines of climate and geological change.

Savannah plains are the geological and climate factors in the game, if they are affiliated, our ignorance will be debunked:

Oxidation of the oceans ...

Extinction of marine species ...

Extinction of species found massacred in our biodiversity and ecosystems ...

Removal of the Moon, balance needed when handling rotation and translation around the main magnet, which is the Sun.

Considering that a hundred years ago the Astronomical Sciences, Climate, geology, geophysics, and other related, yet took their first steps, even without field data, research findings or computer graphics, you need to think, add, 2 +2 = 4 ... because we can be in a bowling alley planet, with so many balls thrown at the tower (Earth), surely one will hit.

Brazil, Curitiba, January 16, 2011 - 14h: 11

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