quarta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2015

I have a dream: the Free University of the environment

I have a dream!
I want to dedicate the last day of my life to work in education and environmental preservation.

But it is a major work, and need support to achieve the stated objectives and necessary for that dream to become a reality.

If I can not partners, the dream is not reality.

I want to challenge you to help turn this dream into reality.

And I know I'm not the only one to have the same dream.

There are thousands of people in different region of our planet Earth who share the same dream: to act now, effectively, to preserve the environment, keeping it as natural as possible, ensuring the future of the next generations.

And there are only two ways: The Environmental education and the preservation of environmental not yet fully destroyed, or recover what still remained of natural environments.

The first step is to conduct a 6-month research trip through the Amazon Forest, checking and documenting the damage already caused by human action on the environment of the Amazon region as a result of forest destruction, rivers, fauna, flora, ecosystems natural, living conditions of the various natural species of the region.

Made after the issuance of recognition, studies and reports, we leave for the second stage.

In this first stage of research and site definition to implementation of future facilities, shopping area and project design will consume six months or so.

The second step will be to establish a university, "Earth Day", transforming it into an international organization of production research, studies, reports and environmental projects, international reach, across borders.

Then we buy a small green area, will build a large shed, a greenhouse, a laboratory for environmental research, an inn, and a laboratory for the production of films, documentaries and reports.

We transform the area acquired in an international university environmental research, and that will be an international reference point in environmental education and issue warnings about the destruction of the Amazon rainforest, one of the last environments on Earth, yet not fully destroyed by human action.

All our donor have free and unrestricted access to the acquired area and can live there, and participate in daily activities if they want to.

We invite students from all regions of the world, of all cultures and ethnicities, to do an environmental education course, with international validity to their return to their countries of origin, to share the acquired knowledge.

We transform our area a major international university studies on media, technical and environmental preservation processes.

Our donor receive monthly reports of all research activities, revenues and expenses incurred daily, photographic production, documentaries produced by different centers of research installed in the "Earth Day" university.

We transform the "Earth Day University", the single largest international organization of environmental research.

We want to start the first and historic journey immediately, because the time to act is running out quickly, and we can not wait any longer, it may be too late.

The University "Earth Day", set in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, will be in operation starting at the most in a year.

The date set for the beginning of our activities is 25 December 2016.

We create and a visionary design, custom made for dreamers of a different future, given the sad reality of today, and the gloomy expectations for the future, for which we are all contributing in some way, for good or for evil .

While NASA invests in a possibility of preservation of human life on Mars, we, founders and donor  of the University "Earth Day" in the Amazon forest, we will lead international action aimed at creating the possibility of opening a new window to save future generations without escape to another planet.

We need your help for the first step: Start searching journey and exploration of the current environmental situation, definition and purchase of an area.

Then we begin the second stage, which will be the construction of simple and craft facilities required for the start of our activities.

Each month you will receive a thorough and detailed report of all our financial activities, with copies of all documents attached to the report.

All our donor if they authorize, will have their given names and amounts reported in the monthly report sent to all other employees of the project.

We send our donor copies of all the material produced, and daily reports of all our activities.

Whether you're a donor to your, our dream, become a reality: Education and Environmental Protection, investing in ensuring life of future generations.

Our grant proposal is $ 1 for each of the Earth's inhabitants who share this dream, and want to be in front and lead the execution of this project.

If every person on Earth, worried about the future of the next generations, collaborating with this project by donating $ 1, we can achieve the financial resources for implementation, and still be left to undertake social activities in the region, next to needy communities.

Channels for more information and donations: 
(It will open attachments, for security reasons)
Mobile phone: 55-41-98863-8045 WhatsApp

Bank branches for donations:

(Banco do Brasil)
Bank of Brazil - 01
Savings Account - Change 51 -
Savings Account number 21-735-2
Agency 2920-3

Banco do Brasil - 01
Owner: Rui Santos de Souza
WhatsApp 55-41-98863-8045

Earth's Day
Rui Santos de Souza

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