quarta-feira, 25 de março de 2015

Updated: Many similarities, very strange: #A320 and #MH370 #A320Crash #GermanWingsCrash

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Experienced pilots ...

Aircraft in perfect condition ...

Aircraft of advanced technologies ...

In cruise flight times, considered the safest ...

The two experienced pilots did not ask for help ...

The MH370  disappeared ...

Now the A320 falls eight minutes without also communicate any emergency ...

Looking at the pictures so far disclosed by the international press, there is no point of impact records from the A320 ...

Very strange, something very strange is happening ...

Terrorist attacks?

Anomalies gravitational?

Gravitational,  geophysical, and geo-magnetic,  anomalies unknown as a result of global warming?

Earth Day
March 25, 2015

Updated March 26, 2015, 10:44am

"Earth Day" monitor and study carefully the major disaster in the last ten years.

And said with certainty that the co-pilot of the A320 has not changed the route deliberately, as the international press is releasing today.

It is a crime against honor, dreams, personal projects, your family, co-pilot say that he "deliberately" changed the course of the aircraft.

01) I was not mentally ill, because there would be a medical history, and, of course, would have been away from their professional duties.

02) No one, ever, would be mad to the point in the last twenty minutes of life. There would be history, medical history.

"Earth Day" insists safely say that the new version released today, the co-pilot, "deliberately", would have caused tremendous act of absolute insanity, is improbable.

The only possibility of the co-pilot aircraft have directed against the mountains is, if he belonged to a terrorist cell.

And so it was a terrorist attack.

Updated: March 26, 2015, 10:44am
Dia da Terra

It is totally absurd, unthinkable, unacceptable, that a young driver of a German airline, in full early carries, has committed an atrocity so great to resolve commit suicide in command of an aircraft with 147 people on board, under the responsibility of protect them, for whatever his personal drama.

Or was it a high degree of psychopathic and have a medical history that would denounce their colleagues, dectado by their superiors, or belonged to a terrorist organization.

still not believing a word version dilvulgada today that it was a personal action, not ideological, cold and deliberately planned.

Updated:March 26, 2015, 7:58pm
Dia da Terra

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