quarta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2015

The attack in France was against humanity, against all the free Western world

The attack in France was against humanity, against all the free Western world, he thinks, knows the truth and is not afraid of cowardly murderers.

The France and all the French people, patrimonies of humanity, has the solidarity of all free peoples of the world.

Paris, world capital of culture, arts, music, poetry, theater, literature, advanced and liberal intellectuals.

Paris is the cultural capital of the modern civilized world, and the attack on the French intellectuals, cowardly executed this day, it is an attack on pensamentolivre against the civilized intellectual freedom ..

Paris has always been, is, and will always be, the avant-garde capital of the most advanced liberal thoughts of humanity.

Today's attack, perpetrated by Islamic radicalism constitutes an attack on all citizens of the free world.

Dia da Terra
January 7, 2014
Brazil,  Curitiba.

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