sexta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2015

Climate and geological changes: yesterday, today, tomorrow and always ... what else is new?

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Climate and geological changes: yesterday, today, tomorrow and always ... what else is new?

Climate and geological changes: yesterday, today, tomorrow and always ... what else is new?

There is no reason for astonishment, it is not surprising reasons, climate phenomena today.

Climate change ever occurred in the history of Planet Earth.

There have been five major extinctions of life on Earth as a result of climate and geological changes.

Why then the concern about climate change in our present day?

In the past there was no mega urban centers overpopulated.

For simplicity we will use Sao Paulo as an example:

There are 10 thousand years ago, it lacked water in Sao Paulo, would not cause any impact in Brazil, in South America, or the world.

Would affect only a small rural population, isolated, without any connection with the world beyond the border a quick look ...

The possibility of no water supply in São Paulo, today, with a population of almost twenty million people, would cause an urban exodus of biblical proportions, with dramatic consequences on the economy of Brazil.

A dramatic situation caused by climate change in São Paulo, has a high potential to spread throughout Brazil, reflected in the globalized economy of today.

The great cities of the world are overpopulated.

The global population has surpassed seven billion people, and if it is already difficult to manage security, power, protection, education, health, under normal conditions, imagine situations of extreme events in climate, with geological consequences.

Can you imagine the apocalyptic chaos that would occur in absolute exceptional conditions and completely out of control?

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Urban populations are dramatically fragile, dependent on everything and have no capacity for self-support, no autonomy, even under the conditions considered normal.

What unimaginable consequence for Brazil, for the entire South American continent, and the world, when, in the coming hours, or minutes, blow up a climate event, or geological, of great magnitude in any of the great cities of the world?

The vulnerable urban populations depend on electricity, water, food has been processed, computers, traffic signs, hospitals, schools, prisons, fire, fuel, medicines, police, specialized services, globalized economy, provision of basic and essential services, in short, there is a total dependence of all, coming from other areas and sources.

Any phenomenon climate, geological or that interrupt the media, transport in general, commodity supplies, labor, trade, industrial, public safety, trigger a sequence of social, economic, serious consequences in global ripple effect.

There is no novelty, surprise, or lie in geological changes and weather yesterday, today, or tomorrow, have always existed, are part of Earth's history, but there were no mega clusters totally vulnerable urban populations.

That is the difference necessary is a strong need for awareness, concern and action of fast and efficient prevention.

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London has been flooded in the past.

Already occurred lack of electricity in New York in the past.

Genoa has been affected by floods often.

Japan has always been shaken by strong earthquakes.

Volcanoes always blew ash, sulfur and toxic gases in Earth's atmosphere, but yesterday there were no vital air traffic with globalized geo.

The sun explodes every day, and has destroyed life on Mars, in one of his large solar flares.

The sun soon astronomically, will explode, shaking, shaking and scrambling all the organized chaos of the solar system, and then die lonely.

The overall security did not depend on a network of interconnected and synchronized satellites.

There were no giant underground tunnels linking large distances, leading communications cables and vital information to global security systems.

A meteor destroyed the species of dinosaurs, and consider carefully where they lived not large urban metropolises, mind dependent technical and economic each other.

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Imagine the consequences today, when repeat any of the major geological events or climate, which are part of our past cyclical mathematically certain that always occur, past, present and future, in every period of time of our planet scale earth.

The dinosaurs became extinct inexorably, by a tiny meteor who even scratched the earth, and in their time there were no nuclear plants, trains and underground galleries carrying thousands of dinosaurs coming and going for daily work.

Dinosaurs did not depend on nuclear power plants to pollute, as occurred in Fukushima.

Japan yesterday, the Samurai, never saw a ghost town, completely devastated and looted, after an earthquake.

Pompeii was surprised and wiped out instantly by a volcanic explosion, anything like that could happen today if the climate changes awaken the Yellostone today.

The pseudo-modern science disregards the possibility of investigating without religious prejudices which caused the disappearance of Atlantis.

Modern Astronomy reveals our future, just study the extinction of life on Mars.

The inhabitants of Pompeii did not use elevators in buildings megs, died asphyxiated not in underground train stations, or drowned with the breakup of huge dams to provide water.

Here are some of the few differences here related, between the changes of climate and geological yesterday, today and tomorrow!

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Much more can can be reported on what, for sure, will happen to our species, soon, very soon if we continue insisting on our arrogance and stupidity insane to ignore the consequences of our irresponsible preparatoriamente action.

Not to mention that the survivors may not have forests and rivers to restart life, everything has been destroyed.

Tomorrow, "not" there will be hunting, fishing, rivers, forests, fertile land for farming, nothing but desert, flooded areas.

Dia da Terra
Brazil, Curitiba, January 16, 2015

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