quarta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2014

US and China announce #climatechange: Of well-intentioned hell is paved

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Many statements, reports, discussions, agreements, studies and meetings, but no action ...

2030 will be too late ...

Many statements, reports, discussions, agreements, studies and meetings, but no action ...

Make public statements of good intentions planned for the year 2030 can be classified in one way or another:

01 - Cynicism ...

02 - simple propaganda to distract attention from what is about to happen ...

03 - Bad Criminal Intent ...

04 - Total Ignorance of extreme climate and geological events that will happen in the next 15 years of climate and geological changes, the accelerating pace that are occurring ...

05 - Just see what is happening in Brazil, a country always considered rich depository of water and that no water is now up to supply the population of its largest city, São Paulo ...

06 - The geological and climate extreme events currently underway, documented throughout the world, especially from the year 2010, let us tell the world:

2030 will be too late ...

We believe in the good intentions of President Obama, do not believe in good intentions of the Chinese government, but we can assure you with absolute certainty that the statements yesterday about the good intentions from 2030, clearly reveal a policy of criminally irresponsible environmental protenção. ..

Good intentions are not enough, hell is full of well-intentioned people, it is necessary global, effective, actions impact.

Write down and save these analyzes and gloomy predictions in the coming months will show whether they were correct or not ...

Dia da Terra
Brqazil, Curitiba, November 13, 2014 -

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