sexta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2014

The unseen connections of global warming: colossal natural forces that affect ...

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The predatory human activity intensifies and enhances global warming ...

The uncontrolled growth of the human population exhausted all natural resources on the planet earth ...

Global warming, in scale and pace outside of the known standards, the following causes disastrous consequences for modern human civilization:

01 - A disorderly and predatory activity increases and intensifies the known scale of global warming ...

02 - Acceleration of global warming in atypical scale, raises the temperature of the atmosphere ...

03 - The rise of the temperature of the atmosphere causes unknown in the magnetic shielding effect of the Earth ...

04 - The rise of the temperature of the atmosphere and changes in the magnetic shielding raise the temperatures of the oceans ...

05 - Invert the directions of known wind patterns ...

06 - Global warming raises the temperature and therefore dilates the tectonic plates ... increasing, intensifying and enhancing the seismic activity, earthquakes, volcanoes ...

07 - Global warming, on a scale unknown, changes the rotation axis of the Earth ...

08 - The ocean currents undergo changes and modifications of unknown consequences ...

09 - Changes and dramatically affects human behavior both physically and mentally ...

10 - Changes the courses of rivers, water sources dry, dry reservoirs of water, increases the power consumption ...

11 - Affects food production ...

12 - Global warming produces heat waves or severe cold, disorderly and unpredictable way, in all regions of the Earth ...

13 - Lack of water, food, mental and physical changes produced in the human species, causing dramatic changes in the structures of social behaviors ... generating crises, riots and urban violence out of control ...

14 - The oceans, rivers, tectonic plates, winds, no settings defined standards, swing and interfere with the rotation of the Earth ...

15 - Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, rains hail, high winds, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, rising sea levels, sweltering heat, bitter cold, snow out of season, water shortages, fires, explosions and fires out of control, are the possible consequences in unknown scale ...

16 - Atmospheric Turbulence affecting commercial flights, gps, satellite, telephone, radar and electro-magnetic systems targeting of animals ...

17 - The Melting of glaciers, releasing an unknown amount of methane gas, which in turn released and after contact with warm ocean waters, becomes CO12, which further accelerates warming in a completely unpredictable scale. .

18 - Monumental and colossal activated natural forces cause tragic consequences and unknown to modern technology, bridges, viaducts, roads, water reservoirs, nuclear power plants, hills, coastal areas, buildings, hospitals, industrial, commercial, diplomatic activities, etc .. . etc ... etc ...

Earth Day
Brazil, Curitiba, November 7, 2014
22h: 21m

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