sexta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2014

A apocalyptic scenario: Water ending in the land ...

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What are the main causes?

01 - A criminal destruction of forests over the last two hundred years of industrial revolution, population growth out of control, waterproofing of urban land, acceleration of global warming due to human activity ...

02 - Global warming, accelerated and intensified by human activity warming has increased the temperature of the atmosphere, raised the temperature of the earth crostra, increasing seismic activity, destabilizing the tectonic plates ...

03 - The destabilization of tectonic plates caused intense seismic activity, which caused new cracks, more cracks in the tectonic plates, which is causing the drainage of natural water reservoirs for more, deeper layers, diverting natural waterways and changing all the thermodynamic drive subterrânes flow of water ...

04 - Accelerated global warming is heating the Earth crostra, significantly increasing the rate of evaporation of water on the planet ...

05 - Global warming is causing climate anomaly: less water in the soil, which is evaporating very quickly, and all going into the atmosphere, causing massive rainfall in different parts of the earth ... while other regions are being transformed into deserts ...

06 - Another important factor for the disappearance of the water in rivers, lakes, ponds and natural water sources, factor is that global warming is interfering with the rotation of the earth, through the most intense seismic activity, changing directions and speed of winds, causing atypical oscillations in the Earth's rotation, modifying, the groundwater flow changing the location of the natural water reservoirs ...

07 - In the water is being sucked into new cracks in the earth crostra evaporating a larger volume to the atmosphere, global warming is boiling naturally, and natural self-protection mechanism, being used for a self cooling of the planet that is increasingly raising their internal temperature ...

08 - Global warming completely out of control, with unpredictable consequences, is accelerating the global seismic tivity, intensifying volcanic activity, combining different factors that contribute to the disappearance of the water in the outer layers of the Earth's mantle ...

09 - The water is still there, but spontaneously oscillating and changing its location consequences of rising temperatures in the atmosphere, on land and crostra in oceanic waters, a deadly combination of factors that will force mankind back to the old days of drinking rainwater, e4mbora contaminated by greenhouse gases: CO2, CO12, methane and many other ...

10 - Another important factor that is being ignored is that in all geophysical studies conducted is found that climate conditions interact directly with geology, and climate change underway in our times are changing and altering of ocenário invisibly geological Earth ...

11 - 11 - Where has the water gone from the rivers, large and small lakes, natural manaciais?

Evaporated from the super heated mantle, and was carried by currents, into the stratosphere, to the oceans, and was taken to the glaciers, through maritime and continental warm currents, melting all the ice in a reaction of "Cause and Effect ".

Dia da Terra
Brazil, Curitiba

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