sábado, 19 de abril de 2014

At the current pace of climate and geological changes there are two possible final choices: Religion and Suicide!

At the current pace of climate and geological changes there are two possible final choices: Religion and Suicide!

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It will be a matter of a short time, which incidentally has just given current evidence.

Given the widespread indifference to the current extreme weather events, that there will be other options available, will be anticipating his own death to avoid unbearable suffering for lack of food, water and personal and property security, or enlist and take refuge in religious faith fatalistic.

Just wait to see.

Past the point where it would be possible to return.

From that point arrived, which can no longer return will occur:

There will be no drinking water available to all ...

There will be food ...

Occur many diseases ...

And serial disasters globally, ruining all economies and public administration ...

It is a catastrophic and alarmist prediction? We believe not, though we would like too, and we want to be wrong.

Dia da Terra
Braszil, Curitiba.
March 19, 2014 - 3:54 am

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