sexta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2014

Climate Change: Frontiers of human absurdity ...

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Frontiers of human absurdity ...

Humanity has exceeded the boundaries of human absurdity, plunging into darkness cosmic folly and madness pathetic, to ignore reality.

The human race has lost the sensitive powers of perception of objective reality.

The crazed, humanity does not see nor are able to scale the real climate threat already installed and accelerated process of empowerment.

There is more to add.

Everything has been said.

The widespread indifference, both government authorities and the population, the media, scientists, finally all the modern society that underestimates and insists on ignoring the potential threat of climate events accelerated in frequency and intensity, will cause an unprecedented catastrophe in history of mankind, soon, very soon.

But it's too late ...

It is entirely absurd, but nobody realize the real threat of imminent danger lurking modern cities, in a situation of great environmental tragedies.

Dia da Terra
Brasil, curitiba, 17 de janeiro de 2014 

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