sábado, 26 de outubro de 2013

Climate change, global warming and geological changes: It's still possible some global action?

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There is the time to act preventively , before the danger hovering over the major urban centers ?

We believe that there is no time for effective action , and the behavior of government officials in Russia imprison activists from Greenpeace flagship , as proves the global face of indifference and possible irreversible consequences on global warming .

The exploitation of oil in the deep ocean is a typical example that there is the slightest chance of avoiding catastrophic climate impacts for large urban centers .

But there is no action possible ?

With a little good will , does not yet exist , could take some remedial measures that will not prevent disasters , but could reduce the consequences .

The deployment of global alerts efficient ...

Evacuation of areas facing imminent risks ...

Training and adequacy of the emergency teams in densely populated areas ...

Structural changes of government, with the aim of changing the philosophy of the establishment of new environmental policies , creating and preserving environments safer .

But the reality is that such changes and actions would only be possible in the face of a strong global movement mobilization , which seems impossible in the face of pressure from powerful economic interests , hidden behind the mask perverse economic growth .

The major economic and military powers of the world are also not interested in education, awareness, education and mobilization in the preservation of the environment , because the governmental and economic changes necessary to preserve the environment confronting interests abusive and invasive geopolitical interests .

Everything indicates that the consequences are more dramatic for the most vulnerable economically , in densely populated areas , in areas known risk imminent .

Mankind has never learned pacify the international political and economic relations , could not , at this time , to efficiently manage the actions necessary to prevent major humanitarian disasters as a result of major natural disasters and unknown .

Wars , revolutions , thefts , murders , chaos in city traffic , illicit drug use and dangerous , terrorism , corruption , suicide bombings , ethnic and religious prejudices , dissolution of family bonds fraternal , finally , the whole picture of worsening social conflicts demonstrate clearly our inability to face a much more serious situation in the face of climate change and its catastrophic consequences for large urban centers overpopulated .

The great cities of all continents are already being severely flogged , the number of fatalities is already incalculable damage and economic losses are irreversible , which further aggravate the economic crisis , but the inability to mass action , globally , it is evident on inertia , negligence , malpractice and recklessness of the government authorities , just cite one example that is still happening in Fukushima , Japan , after a powerful earthquake and a devastating tsunami .

Another example of our unwillingness to act globally is effectively the earthquake in Haiti .

The structural consequences in Japan after the earthquake and tsunami, or Haiti, demonstrate the fragility of our coastal areas, ports, roads, nuclear power plants, large reservoirs of water supply system, electricity, security, hospitals, medicines, airports , urban transit vehicles, food, and other ...

Everyone knows where will happen the next major natural disasters , the signs and warnings of nature are obvious and unambiguous , but everyone pretends not to notice , because nobody wants to face the harsh reality that is approaching at a speed not provided by any scientist .

Earthquakes are happening in a dizzying speed and intensity , making suspect that, at any time , the tectonic plates cause a major break in the mantle of the Earth , volcanoes are awakening ; oceans rising above projected levels , compromising tomorrow all the coastal cities ; glaciers melting on a scale without precedent historical record , the amount of methane and CO2 in the atmosphere is to imagine that everything will ignite suddenly , at any time , devastating floods , forest fires out of control , oxidation oceans , urban and total dangerously dependent on government structures not existing , inefficient , or unprepared to face major geological and climatic events of unknown proportions .

You do not need any supernatural prophetic power to know , right now , what will happen in the coming days , weeks, maybe a few months at most.

It will be tragic, terrible , only remain in cremating the dead , if possible , try to survive the chaos social , economic, political , health , food and structural dominate the international scene .

Earth Day
October 26, 2013 - 21h : 17m

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