sexta-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2010
domingo, 5 de dezembro de 2010
Climate and geological changes, "Alea Jacta est!"
Alea Jacta Est"Alea jacta est" it is a Latin phrase, uttered by Julius Caesar, said to make the decision with his legions to cross the Rubicon River, demarcating the boundary between Cisalpine Gaul (Gaul this side of the Alps which now corresponds toNorthern Territory of Italy) and the territory of Italy.
Roman law was not allowed to join the legions in Italy due to previous episodes in which Roman generals such as Marius and Sulla had used their armies to seize power in Rome.
Because of these precedents was forbidden to a provincial governor, a Proconsul as Cesar, with his legions across the border with the Italian territory.The Rubicon River is demarcated border between Gaul and ruled by Caesar, and Italy, and to cross it Cesar declared an open conflict with the Roman Senate and Pompey, which stood for political reasons his defender. See more at ..."Alea jacta est"The world has lost the opportunity to avoid severe climate change with devastating consequences, made worse by human action.
Enjoy Christmas and 2010, which is coming up, perhaps the last to be able to say "Merry Christmas!" Because there are strong indications that the year 2011 will be unprecedented environmental disaster in known history of modern mankind.
For a variety of reasons ranging from ignorance to political ideology, the powerful economic interests, egoism, individualism, personal and collective, vandalism and inertia on the part of a large number of deniers of climate change and geological.
The leaders of major nations, public opinion, media, and the world waited too long to act.
The meeting of the UN, COP16, and lush scenery in paradise in Cancun, shows signs of failure, if there was a serious intent and pragmatic preparation for effective measures, the meeting had been held in Haiti, a victim of a deadly earthquake, plagued by disease cholera, or would have been held in Pakistan, is afflicted by a catastrophic flood and having the disease of malaria as a result.
We are now committed to irreversible long-term consequences, and inevitably damage ranging from sea level up quickly, heat stress and much higher losses, disappearing glaciers and snow, floods and droughts, and much, much more.For over two decades, only a small group of people mobilized, spoke, wrote and stormed against the general indifference in relation to climatic and geological changes.
The vast majority who took the responsibility to warn of the consequences of climate change and geological was not even with good intentions, though, even in bad faith, ended up helping in some way.
The truly scientific evidence is indisputable, irrefutable, unquestionable, and so recently, religious and business lobbyists are fighting desperately to avoid a worldwide movement, first by appealing to the Bible and the second arguments for progressive and desenvolmentistas.
All the international scientific community agrees that human action may be accelerating the process of global warming, with unforeseeable consequences for humanity and irresistible.
Every scientist specializing in atmospheric, climatological, meteorological, geological, hydrological, ecological, physical, chemical and biological sciences, all support the scientific findings of climate change and geological changes, accelerated by man.
The summit in Cancun, has no power to determine, are purely advisory and opinionated, agreements, even those signed are never satisfied, and will not result in any effective action to prevent or even simple to prepare for the environmental disasters that approach:
Melting glaciers - glaciers will continue in the accelerated process of melting, further warming the Earth, with the parts discovered by the absence of ice, and the direct incidence of sunlight on water.
Oxidation of the Oceans, which is already beyond the tolerable limit, endangering the existence of marine life in the oceans.
The rising of the oceans will compromise the lives of millions of human beings who live in coastal areas, beyond the destruction of the entire world economy that relies on tourism, fishing, hospitality, construction, civil, and other related activities.
The Movement of tectonic plates is suffering intense pressure driving, since the crust is heated, the movement of the oceans rising, are all mechanisms that alter the natural geological standards.
There are clear indications that the activities of the Volcanoes are accelerated as a result of major tectonic movement in a game of domino effect, when a piece drops another in unending sequence, until the last part.
Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tsunamis are simply pieces of domino game, when you drop one, the proximity in which they are, knocking the other one will. The intense tectonic movement is evidenced in recent months and is directly related to volcanic activity, earthquakes and volcanoes, a chain reaction of cause and effect.
Forest destruction is completely unrecoverable, only very nature, a process for thousands of years, could rebuild entire ecosystems and biodiversity that man has destroyed a crazed predatory and self-defeating process.
The warming of Lagos is another consequence sunk in a timely manner.The overflowing rivers, the flooding of urban areas, the destruction of homes, destruction of bridges, roads will be a constant daily, considering the worsening of the climate change process and geological already in an advanced course of evolution.
The release of methane gas trapped beneath the layers before the ice melted now, is another global time bomb, that there'll be nobody with the capacity to disarm it and prevent a global catastrophe with unknown to modern man.
The intense cold in some regions and heat waves in other regions are already happening at an alarming rate and degree.
Heavy rains causing landslides urban and rural areas, destroying lives and economies are already part of the daily news of the international media, but only with the economy and irretrievable loss of human lives.
Forest fires, lack of food, lack of clean water, disease, social disruption, will from today, will be mere consequences of climate change and geological features, not considered with the seriousness required, and the lack of actionurgent.
Do not question our admiration and astonishment nor ignorance of climatic and geological changes, because mankind has always acted with recklessness and lightly harrowing face of issues that plague our existence.
We never knew dealing with the distribution of natural resources, wars, hunger, human misery, with epidemics, so it would be a very big surprise that we knew now act with promptness and efficiency in relation to climate change and geological .Ignorance and lack of sensitivity and political collective humanity is notorious throughout our history, just see the public reaction on the major findings of science.
Mudanças climáticas e geológicas: "Alea jacta est!"
Alea jacta est
Por mais de duas décadas, só um pequeno grupo de pessoas mobilizou-se, falou, escreveu, esbravejou contra a indiferença geral em relação às mudanças climáticas e geológicas.
A movimentação tectônica intensa dos últimos meses é comprovada e diretamente relacionada com a atividade vulcânica, os terremotos e os vulcões, ou seja, o aquecimento global aciona e afeta todas as forças naturais, numa cadeia de reação Causa e Efeito.
sexta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2010
Arsenic: the new "Adam Primitive".
The NASA Discovery on molecules that feed off of "Arsenic." food chain with a totally different concept of life known molecular, which is feeding through the chain of carbon, leads us to some obvious considerations.
If the molecular life can feed on arsenic, are felled every possible and impossible borders of the existence of types and forms of life in the universe that even the most daring thinkers of science fiction could imagine.
From this spectacular discovery of NASA, there is scientific evidence that life may exist on other molecular environments, and opens all the possibilities of indeterminate forms of life and physical chemistry, feeding on different and more foreign chemical elements that constitute the vast unattainable the Universe.
Whereas there is life that is nourished by molecular carbon chain, and now the evidence of arsenic, any chemical element or combination of several elements, even strangers, is possible.
It's the end of the barriers and boundaries that limit our knowledge to search for other life forms.
Can you think that Arsenio was the first food in the universe, that through an evolutionary process came to carbon chain, which now exists on Planet Earth.
The arsenic would have been the "Primal Adam" the primordial ooze that exploded in the Universe at any moment.
With the possibility of molecular life that feeds on the "Arsenio," adding with the discovery that the number of stars in the universe is three times larger than the scientists figured, no hypothesis can no longer be ignored by the scientific community.
If we consider the "Arsenio" as a new menu item in the universe, able to generate food and life Molecular all borders are open before the dogmatic science.
The Universe in all its vastness unattainable became a cosmic big restaurant with a menu of nutritious and exotic foods, and food can generate any type and form of life indeterminable.
Brazil, Curitiba, December 3, 2010 - 20h: 23
Arsênio: o novo "Adão Primitivo".
quinta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2010
Message to the Governor of Rio de Janeiro
Governor Sergio Cabral, make history, request the intervention of the Armed Forces, Rio de Janeiro and Brazil deserve this act of heroism Your EXCELLENCE ...
Believe me, this is a moment of estratétigo corner and end the banditry in Rio de Janeiro, with the military backing to the military police and Civil ...
Make History ....
Brazil comes first!
Mensagem ao Governador do Rio de Janeiro
quarta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2010
#WARNING> War in #RiodeJaneiro
warning to international tourists: cancel their trips to Rio de Janeiro.
It is much safer to visit Haiti, even with disease of cholera and earthquakes ...
It is much safer to visit Mexico, even with the war of the drug traffickers ...
It is much safer to visit Colombia: FARC fellow scouts seem banditry near Rio de Janeiro ...
It is much safer to visit Iraq, moreover, there began the Garden of Eden, and now without Saddam Hussein was better, compared to Rio de Janeiro ...
Pakistan: Even with flooding, malaria and guerrillas, is safer, therefore, recommend to replace the Rio de Janeiro ...
Afghanistan: Osama bin Laden is a seminarian of the convent near the Rio cruelty of banditry, and the inability of the authorities, and even attacks by Taliban, is safer than Rio de Janeiro ...
We also suggest North Korea, as a last resort, even though the South Koreans and the Americans dropping bombs on the wacky there will be less dangerous than the crazy, Killer, and incompetent in Rio de Janeiro ....
Brazil, Curitiba, 24 November 2010 - 21h: 44
#WARNING > War in #RiodeJaneiro
quarta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2010
#Climate change: lack Risk Management
It is very easy to do research, reports, draw charts and technical analysis, which occurred after the environmental disaster, as occurred in the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull.
But why were not able to warn in advance?
The international scientific community, the official media, and public agencies are silent on the real possibilities of environmental tragedies as a result of current climatic and geologic changes that the Earth faces.
Nobody to take the risk before the event to alert, warn, take preventive measures to minimize financial loss and avoid the unnecessary loss of human lives.
Now, after so many financial losses, the scientist Freysteinn Sigmundsson, almost cynical, says that 11 weeks before the eruption, the Eyjafjallajökull gave strong indications that would erupt.
Why not give a press conference and warned before the eruption? Speaking after the event is very easy, anyone can do. I see you have the courage to speak, advise, warn before disaster strikes, taking everyone by surprise.
For obvious reasons, nobody wants to pay the burden of managing the risks:
- Before the public antipathy indifferent ...
- Exposure to ridicule if the delay or disaster does not happen ...
- Financial cost and operational difficulties facing a preventive action ...
- Powerful economic interests that prohibit the dissemination of warnings about the possibility of imminent environmental disaster ...
There are currently too many high-risk situations in different parts of the Earth:
01 - An abnormal sequence of earthquakes in Indonesia ...
02 - Eruption of Merapi Volcano, Indonesia ...
03 - Facilitate the eruption of other volcanoes in Indonesia ...
04 - Possibility of the eruption of two volcanoes in Russia ...
05 - Strong volcanic activity in Hawaii ...
06 - Strong tectonic activity in Yemen ...
07 - Intense movement of tectonic plates, in different regions of the Earth, causing a string of strong earthquakes of intensity on a scale never before recorded in modern history ...
08 - Floods, oxidation of the oceans, raising sea levels, and high concentration of explosive gases in the atmosphere, an alarming rise in temperatures, melting glaciers, all phenomena clearly preliminary and indicative of a changing climate and geology have not witnessed by modern man ...
09- The destruction of forests, ecosystems and biodiversity, the unbridled exploitation of natural resources that transform the Globe into a Swiss cheese, changes in the Earth's axis, changes in rotation and translation, erosion, landslides, overflowing rivers ...
10 - The evidence is everywhere, the sirens warning of Mother Nature are echoing in every corner, and who is managing these huge, huge risks?
- Each environmental disaster resulting from the current climatic and geological changes, give cause to other disasters:
- In Haiti, the earthquake that destroyed the country, is now followed by the cholera outbreak even more destructive ...
- In Pakistan, after the devastating floods and overflowing rivers, followed by an outbreak of malaria ...
- Natural disasters of great magnitude give rise to disease - failure of infrastructure - social disorganization and rebellion increase in food prices - the failure of institutions and social organizations and civil defense.
Natural disasters kill the poorest and the richest pay the bills of losses and burials of those who died, if not managed in time, just look at the examples of Pakistan and Haiti.
Who will take responsibility for creating a Center-of-Global-Management-of-risks, given the climatic and geological changes in progress?
Before it's too late ...
Brazil, Curitiba, 17 November 2010 - 19h: 51
- Alok Jha, science correspondent
- Article history
How Icelandic volcano issued warnings months before its eruption
• Volcanologists document events before it blew
• Eyjafjallajökull had one swollen flank for 11 weeks
It left the skies over Britain clear of aircraft trails for the first time in decades and led to travel misery. For several days in April, flights in northern Europe were grounded as a cloud of ash and dust spewed out of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland and were blown around the continent.
Now, the geological events leading up to the eruption have been documented, and they show that the volcano had been rumbling for many months before it blew its top. In a paper published today in Nature, Freysteinn Sigmundsson, of the Nordic Volcanological Centre at the University of Iceland, describes how he led an international team to use a combination of GPS, seismic monitoring and satellite radar interferometry to track years of deformations and volcanic activity on and around Eyjafjallajökull.
Sigmundsson found that for 11 weeks before the volcano began erupting in March, one flank was swollen by more than 15cm (6in). Magma had been flowing from deep underground into shallower compartments under the mountain.
Kurt Feigl, a professor of geosciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a co-author of the study, said the volcano had been showing signs of restlessness. "Several months of unrest preceded the eruptions, with magma moving around downstairs in the plumbing and making noise in the form of earthquakes," he said. "By monitoring volcanoes, we can understand the processes that drive them to erupt."
The deformation of the Earth's crust around Eyjafjallajökull, and the resulting small earthquakes, began to increase in January. A few weeks later, sensors and GPS stations began detecting rapid expansion of the mountain.
The first eruption, caused by magma flowing into the mountain from underneath, began on 20 March. It continued for three weeks before pausing for two days and then resuming on 22 April.
The second time around, the erupting lava punched through the ice at the top of the mountain. The water exploded into steam and rapidly cooled the magma, which is a mixture of molten rock and various solid impurities, and normally circulates under the Earth's crust. The magma turned into a fine-grained dust cloud that rose high into the atmosphere and was blown around the whole of northern Europe. Sustained, highly variable activity continued until 22 May, with an average of 30,000-60,000 litres (6,600-13,200 gallons) of magma coming out every second.
Normally, when volcanoes erupt, they deflate as the magma drains out. But for some reason, Eyjafjallajökull kept its shape after the first eruption.
The researchers suggested that this could be because of a limited supply of magma in the first place, and the position of the volcano. The volcanoes of Iceland are the surface peaks of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, but Eyjafjallajökull lies at some distance from the main rift zone. This means less heat from magma reaches it than reaches volcanoes nearer the rift zone.
The eruption was probably started by an intrusion of magma deep inside the volcano, though this is something that needs to be confirmed at other volcanoes.
The researchers stress that study of the events leading up to the eruption will not necessarily help to predict future events. "We're still trying to figure out what wakes up a volcano," said Feigl.
"The explosiveness of the eruption depends on the type of magma, and the type of magma depends on the depth of its source. We're a long way from being able to predict eruptions. But if we can visualise the magma as it moves upward inside the volcano, then we will improve our understanding of the processes driving volcanic activity."
Mudanças climáticas: falta Gerenciamento de Risco
- Este artigo, publicado no The Guardian, transcrito na íntegra, chama atenção diante da incapacidade ou falta de coragem para assumir a liderança do gerenciamento de riscos, no que relacionado às mudanças climáticas e geológicas, origem dos catastróficos desastres ambientais, que assolam o Planeta Terra.
- Alok Jha, science correspondent
- Article history
How Icelandic volcano issued warnings months before its eruption
• Volcanologists document events before it blew
• Eyjafjallajökull had one swollen flank for 11 weeks
It left the skies over Britain clear of aircraft trails for the first time in decades and led to travel misery. For several days in April, flights in northern Europe were grounded as a cloud of ash and dust spewed out of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland and were blown around the continent.
Now, the geological events leading up to the eruption have been documented, and they show that the volcano had been rumbling for many months before it blew its top. In a paper published today in Nature, Freysteinn Sigmundsson, of the Nordic Volcanological Centre at the University of Iceland, describes how he led an international team to use a combination of GPS, seismic monitoring and satellite radar interferometry to track years of deformations and volcanic activity on and around Eyjafjallajökull.
Sigmundsson found that for 11 weeks before the volcano began erupting in March, one flank was swollen by more than 15cm (6in). Magma had been flowing from deep underground into shallower compartments under the mountain.
Kurt Feigl, a professor of geosciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a co-author of the study, said the volcano had been showing signs of restlessness. "Several months of unrest preceded the eruptions, with magma moving around downstairs in the plumbing and making noise in the form of earthquakes," he said. "By monitoring volcanoes, we can understand the processes that drive them to erupt."
The deformation of the Earth's crust around Eyjafjallajökull, and the resulting small earthquakes, began to increase in January. A few weeks later, sensors and GPS stations began detecting rapid expansion of the mountain.
The first eruption, caused by magma flowing into the mountain from underneath, began on 20 March. It continued for three weeks before pausing for two days and then resuming on 22 April.
The second time around, the erupting lava punched through the ice at the top of the mountain. The water exploded into steam and rapidly cooled the magma, which is a mixture of molten rock and various solid impurities, and normally circulates under the Earth's crust. The magma turned into a fine-grained dust cloud that rose high into the atmosphere and was blown around the whole of northern Europe. Sustained, highly variable activity continued until 22 May, with an average of 30,000-60,000 litres (6,600-13,200 gallons) of magma coming out every second.
Normally, when volcanoes erupt, they deflate as the magma drains out. But for some reason, Eyjafjallajökull kept its shape after the first eruption.
The researchers suggested that this could be because of a limited supply of magma in the first place, and the position of the volcano. The volcanoes of Iceland are the surface peaks of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, but Eyjafjallajökull lies at some distance from the main rift zone. This means less heat from magma reaches it than reaches volcanoes nearer the rift zone.
The eruption was probably started by an intrusion of magma deep inside the volcano, though this is something that needs to be confirmed at other volcanoes.
The researchers stress that study of the events leading up to the eruption will not necessarily help to predict future events. "We're still trying to figure out what wakes up a volcano," said Feigl.
"The explosiveness of the eruption depends on the type of magma, and the type of magma depends on the depth of its source. We're a long way from being able to predict eruptions. But if we can visualise the magma as it moves upward inside the volcano, then we will improve our understanding of the processes driving volcanic activity."
quarta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2010
Climate and Geological changes: Apocalypse now?
For centuries, thousands of years, humanity hears the prophecies of seers, gurus, religious, spiritual, sacred and profane writings on dates and predictions of a Divine Revelation.
There are thousands of letters written about the Armageddon Divine, the most famous being the writings of John in the Book of Revelation, including the New Testament.
However, recent geological and climatic events, facts reported daily by electronic media, spoken, written, televised, and all other media, international agencies, scientists, researchers, several leads one to suppose the possibility of brief climatic events and geological devastating to modern civilization, urban, and without the natural resources necessary for their survival.
Just to illustrate, the news talk about 21 active volcanoes in Indonesia.
The Earthquake of Haiti was of unknown cause.
The Earthquake in New Zealand, also of unknown cause, has caused a colossal geological fracture in the crust.
The Earthquake in Chile proved another huge break in that region.
Two volcanoes are active in Russia.
Floods in China are a disaster.
The flooding in Pakistan was considered the largest natural disaster of modern times.
Heat waves never before recorded in several parts of the planet.
The melting of glaciers is happening at an alarming rate.
The oxidation of the oceans is at levels never seen before.
Rising sea levels caused by melting glaciers, extraction of groundwater from natural reservoirs, thermal heating causing expansion, and many other natural factors from global warming.
All the latest geological and climatic events reported in recent months allow the questioning of a string of natural disasters of major proportions?
Without Mayan Calendar, Nostradamus without, without recourse to the Book of Revelation of John, no fanaticism, conspiratorial theory, or any other firework, geological and climatic changes associated with, the current scale of progression, hypothesize that the deadline for 2100 is actually quite optimistic, provided by scientists who participated in the UN climate panel.
Important information to be considered is that all records of Earth's geological past, during which a successive chain of events similar to those we are witnessing, was a harbinger of other geological and climatic events even higher in the sequence, promoting changes and subsequent changes of great magnitude.
Brazil, Curitiba, 3 November 2010 - 21h: 31