domingo, 2 de maio de 2010



The derramamaneto oil in the Gulf of Mexico and the eruption of the volcano in Iceland are two tragedies teach us valuable lessons and NEW:

01) The two tragedies reveal the unpreparedness of modern civilization in the face of natural phenomena.

The volcano has paralyzed the air traffic in Europe, with global repercussions, causing huge losses to the World Economy. Not to mention the yet unknown damage to health by inhalation of ash.

The derramamanto oil in the Gulf of Mexico, caused by an earthquake, that caused unprecedented damage to the Economy and the Global Environment.

02) There is, in both disasters, that with the increase in seismic activity on the planet, and will increase even more, this seismic activity, because this increase is a reflection of the intense movement of tectonic plates, other major disasters still occur.

Landslides in densely populated areas, "Hill Bumba"
Increasingly intense rains causing floods in major metropolises unprepared.
Disruption of large dams, caused by excessive rains.
Structural damage on atomic power plants, caused by earthquakes.
Destruction of major roads, which will cause chaos in land transport.
Frosts and hail destroying crops vital to supply the population.
Breaks in the stock market around the globe.
Increased sea levels already an undeniable fact in the whole planet.
Tsunamis devastate thousands of kilometers dearei inhabited the entire planet.

Anyway, if it does happen an awareness of citizens and public leaders with a global mobilization, disasters still happen in the larger process of destroying all possibilities of technological civilized life on Planet Earth.

In our day has no place to speak in more countries or geographic regions. The Economy, Politics, Security, Environment, all the conditions for preservation of life humanae all other species, in all respects, is a matter of global security, and not national.

Given the potential for global emergencies s coming closer every day, without being aware, or pretended not to notice, the concept of national security is exceeded, expiry date, the need to work and discuss a new concept of security: the Global Security .

I have already is a new concept on the issue of Weapons Nuclearesa, just that before these new desastresnaturais, we need to expand this new paradigm, the global security.

May 2, 2010 - 10h: 32ms

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