segunda-feira, 3 de maio de 2010
I want to go live in Iceland! - PART TWO
If the master Suassuna knew of my plight, to be "Horn," had entered my biography in the "Auto da Compacecida", along with Chico. "
REASON No. 02 - want to go live in Iceland!
I confess: I was born with the destiny of being the Horn, in fact, even before birth my fate was already mapped out: to be Horn. Situation more shameful than that of Cantor Hawk, King of Brega, President of the "Horns of Brazil"
He, the Falcon does not know my story, if you know, renounces and gives me the track "King of Horns," and what is worse, I'm the worst kind of Horn there, "Horn-known gentle-election." I know I am betrayed, but keep going to bed with the "ladies" to each campaign.
Now you have discovered my secret, "I am a horn-nut-election." I was doing the math and discovered an account absurd of times I've been betrayed.
I have 60 years of age. Not discounting the period of military dictatorship, voting for 40 years.
Means 40 years of voter who has voted in 20 elections, majority and minority, about one every two years.
20 elections, considering:
State Representative = (six betrayals there every four years)
Alderman = (plus two betrayals there every four years)
Every four years suffer 10 treachery, and betrayal of the worst kind you have, because not eaten anything or anyone.
Look at my record: 10 betrayals every four years! My situation is worse than that of Sophia Loren or the Madonna.
I am the greatest Horn election in Brazil, I'm tired of this life to the Horn, to be betrayed, to hear promises of love and honeyed statements during the election campaign, and then the "Ladies of the Night," with rare and honorable exceptions, I trot in absolute abandonment:
walking the potholed roads;
free meals in schools;
without doctors in clinics;
with a criminal tax burden;
retirement with an unworthy;
sleeping in the rain (or was "Dancing in the Rain"?) for lack of a roof;
Full of errors Portuguese for not having completed the college course;
with a minimum wage demeaning and shame;
with the slope of my shack falling apart;
and know what they, the infamous bigamists going to do?
Betray my request and the promise of fidelizade they do, my confidence, my love and my passion and hope for a stable relationship;
And worse, betray the arms of a bitch called "Corruption", who lives and attends all the palaces of the Brazilian public administrators, and all the fun erotic, sensual, obscene practice that is funded with my money, that is, I still bank betrayal.
Speaking of crumbling hillside shack and an interesting aspect caught my attention in the photos of the volcano in Iceland (E15): If that volcano was located in Brazil imagine the amount of shacks that were installed on the slopes of the volcano!
Examining the photos I have not observed the existence of even a hut, and heard the explanation of the volcanologist who interviewed Joe Smith: There in Iceland authorities have contingency plans that work. There are no deaths from collapsing slopes of volcanoes, or mesmop due to explosions.
The population of Iceland is educated, prepared, all there is planned and implemented effectively.
I decided that I want to vote for any candidate in Iceland, not to be betrayed over and cease to be a Horn-Brasileiro election.
If you help, I go to Iceland, and I want to vote there anyway, on anybody.
Want to go to Iceland and fails to vote for President, Senator, Governor, Congressman, Mayor or City Councilman, I will vote for trustee of condominiums in Iceland.
Every day I go through the Schools of Iceland to vote for members of School Boards. I'll vote for president of club futebolç, any election, whatever it is pro, I vote, without asking anything in return, only to feel the first time in life the good feeling of not being horn-election-Brazilian.
Is disgusting to see how the "ladies-of-the-night" appear during the election campaigns, giving kisses even in infants, making vows of eternal love, biblical fidelity, but ... once elected .. delight is in the arms of Messalina Corruption.
When I was born, my poor mothers' wanted to put my name "Cornelius." My father did not leave: put Rui.
But the curse of my mother followed my destiny: even without the "Nelio," I'm a horn-election.
Horn of the card, Compulsory Horn, is a tragedy that neither Dante imagined for his "Inferno": Horn-known-election-compulsory-card-carrying. "FINE PAID IF STILL DENY ME BE HORN.
The title is pompous, but the trauma would "Freud" give it away listening to the dreams of others.
So that you are aware of my situation and everyone has compassion drama I face, "I am Horn-Majority" and am "Horn-Minority"!
Curitiba April 28, 2010
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