terça-feira, 13 de abril de 2010


NASA (Center for Environmental Analysis of Anomalies), Board of Scientific DAY-OF-LAND, not to be confused with NASA North America, has released the latest report, after more than 500 years of intense research and astronomical observation , confirming the suspicion that there's ONE BRAZILIAN BLACK HOLE THAT hang in the atmosphere, BIOSPHERE AND BRAZILIAN EXTRATOSFERA, with its epicenter in the Central Plateau of Brazil.

The researchers are convinced that the phenomenon is unique across the Milky Way, an imminent danger of total destruction of all the rich "fauna" Brazilian administrative, "fauna" in the right direction, not wrong.

The Black Hole Brasileiro, well-known phenomenon in the universe, and not so novice in Brazil, which sucks all matter, destroying stars, satellites, constellations, like the Mexican Chupacabra, the black hole sucks up light, bends the space -time and annihilates the dark matter.

Well, the black hole sucking everything is on the Brazilian, destroying all organic matter and inorganic mineral, vegetable, cultural, intellectual, physical, mental, institutional, historical, environmental, moral, civic, civilization, education, nothing survives in our Brazilian Black Hole, not so astronomical, more precisely of unknown nature, which is termed by experts from the Black Hole Sterling.

Experts say all that Cabral met here and inherited the natives who inhabited these boards, all that is being sucked into the gigantic strength of this anomaly poly-called Black Hole Astrophysics Sterling.

After accurate and careful research, observers have noted that our Brazilian Black Hole is the most voracious and destructive that has stories in all galaxies of the universe, since the Izzac Newton, before it is being examined by experts at NASA (not confused with the NASA-North America), ours is tupiniquim same, with right to recess, recess ranges judiciary, carnival, religious holidays, and everything else that is right, because the other black holes exist in the Milky Way discovered Humbble the telescope, are not so destructive, as the Black Hole Sterling.

The physicists of our Center for Environmental Analysis of Anomalies (NASA), found that the black hole BRASILEIRO, destroys houses for the needy, destroys remedies aimed at public clinics, destroys the asphalt to cover other holes, destroys the little children of school meals know nothing of black holes, public roads that are always holes, finally, is a doomsday scenario, it is practical hole all sides, all the fault of the Brazilian Black Hole, which if not stopped quickly, the threat from Indian tribes Xingu, defended, protected and preserved by FUNAI, to the border in Foz do Iguacu, which in despair of imminent destruction will get a cigarette cheaper across the border, the Brazilian black hole reaches the absurd to suck the coins from the Central Bank , for the wages of workers in Brazil, sucks, and even licks his lips, even with the coins for public works of any nature, type or region of Brazil.

Our Brazilian Black Hole is so overwhelming and deadly, that sucks and makes antimatter all energies not only the natural (ores, water, land, forests, etc.) and the supernatural: it sucks the spirit of the Brazilians, corrodes civility, powder morals and good customs.

The Black Hole Brasileiro ends with hope and destroys the dreams of all Brazilians who still resist the power of gravitational attraction.

The Black Hole native, plays everything, some say, in another parallel universe, which enters the main door is in the Central Plateau of Brazil, more specifically a tourist spot called "Fountain" from the Esplanada dos Ministerios.

It is there within that pond (after all, pond or fountain?, But whatever it is, is ominous, in the Esplanade of Ministries, which the unsuspecting attribute miraculous power to make orders, upon a coin thrown into the bottom of the pond, and is exactly the deep waters of that pond that is located at the heart of the Black Hole Sterling.

They say the older the water from that pond in Brasilia is acidic, kills anything that is played there, but could, is the water of the Black Hole Sterling. It's not holy water, because it is not in Aparecida do Norte, is in Brasilia, City emcubadeira full of stars new and old, just like the sun that will one day destroy the earth.

Except that our stars are still in Brasilia that stage I can only destroy Brazil, nor get by, but I heard that already swallowed Brasilia.

Experts say, that in reaching this critical point of getting closer to the epicenter of Brazilian black hole, nothing survives, everything is lashed to another dimension still unknown until the studies move forward and be better able to investigate this amazing phenomenon that is destroying the Brazil.

Not yet confirmed the assumption of the experts, who suspect that all matter and energy sucked by our Brazilian Brazilian Black Hole, is teleported, the speed of light, to another space-time dimension, Oasis Tax, but it has no sure, as these comments from people not qualified and under suspicion, as the prosecutor of the United States, Switzerland, Bahamas and other nations not very reliable regarding investigative technology. We, the Brazilians are light years ahead of those savages, and descendants of Apaches Wikings.

Strategic studies are being conducted in order to create an anti-nuclear shield trim set off the Black Hole Brazilian, but the fear that occurs escialistas what's happening in Switzerland with the particle accelerator from there, a new Big Bam, and then yes, the broth spills, imagine Brazil with two Black Holes!

The Brazilian Intelligence Service, have long suspected that the openings for placement of ballot papers, the old cardboard ballot boxes, were nothing more than nano-black holes, and to avoid proliferção other epicenters across the country, implemented the process electronic voting, powered by electricity, but now we know that the black hole sucks Brazilian electric power to the poor people, the more electrical power to the Electoral Tribunal.

Beware, do not let down by the Black Hole Sterling.
Save yourself if you can, because the Brazilian Black Hole, is in its most active phase, preceding the Sun.


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