domingo, 30 de março de 2014

The hoisting of the National Flag in the Brazilian Rio de Janeiro does not mean victory against violence in Brazil

01 - The hoisting of flags do not mean wins wars . Hitler and the Nazi troops liked and carried thousands of flags of all types , but not won the war ...

02 - Napoleonic , Romans, Greeks , Celts , Vikings , Egyptians , Alexander, Mussolini , Stalin , everyone liked , and used and abused flags , that despite all the symbols that convey not win wars ...

03 - to win a war is :

- Determination to combat

- Just cause

- Defined strategy

- Surprise the enemy

- Appropriate weapons

- Command strong and courageous

- High morale of the troops

What we see today in Rio de Janeiro , with the invasion of the whole slum Tide , was just a circus show of poor quality , but let's see :

- The invasion was announced more than a week in advance , allowing time for drug traffickers flee , to terrorize other communities , where the state still missing ...

- Education is the most effective weapon against violence ...
- The main causes of violence in Brazil are:
- Corruption , cynicism and shamelessness - in -one of the rulers
- Failure of the Brazilian police to act with civility along to needy communities
- Absence of the Brazilian state in the provision of essential services to needy populations
- Administrative inefficiency

Brazilian citizens are more afraid of the police than the bandits themselves ...

The demoralization of the State is the main factor in violation of the laws ...

The state only represses the daily activities of citizens as banditry does what he wants ...

The police , as a rule , is an accomplice of the bandits , and only knows how to act with brutality against citizens , away from the increasingly ...

The state creates laws and regulations in an oppressive manner, always against the citizens ...

Dia da Terra
March 30, 2014

sábado, 29 de março de 2014

sexta-feira, 28 de março de 2014

quinta-feira, 27 de março de 2014

segunda-feira, 24 de março de 2014

MH370 Malaysia Airlines: New very suspicious and unreliable version

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Dia da Terra follows with much skepticism and reserve, the new version given by the Government of Malaysia for the fall of the missing plane #MH370 Malaysia Airlines.

The new version of the Government of Malaysia does not fit in anything with the previous information about the mysterious disappearance of the aircraft, considering the experience of the pilot, the diversion of previously announced route the signals emitted by the engines four hours after your disappeared from radar, and mainly because undisputed that the pilot made ​​no distress or problems in the aircraft warning.

1 - The Malaysian authorities have presented several different versions about the disappearance of the aircraft, always falling into contradictions from one version to another ...

2 - The Pilot with all the experience we had 15,000 flight hours , never cease to issue an alert in case of any difficulty or danger during the flight ...

3 - There are reports that the engine worked after four hours of absence of signals on the radar ...

4 - Photos taken by satellites, unidentified objects in the sea mean nothing to collect objects and investigate their origins ...

5 - The transmission apparatus of the aircraft were intentionally disconnected ...

6 - All search operations are concentrated in the sea , but there are no reports of searches on land ...

7 - The aircraft was completely off course , and no one gives a convincing explanation of this fact clearly demonstrated by radars monitored the flight ...

8 - Aircraft do not explode in the air , without any cause that gives rise to the explosion occurs , there is no such scientific possibility ...

9 - No News whose source is the Malaysian government deserves no credibility ...

10 - The model of missing plane , Boeing 777-200 that made the flight MH370 , is considered the safest in the world by international experts , and there was never a mechanical , electrical or structural failure that would justify the possibility of a mysterious accident and without explanation logical ...

11 - Any information on the disappearance of flight MH370 Malaysia Airlines , given current contradictions of government Malaysian , must first be proven with photos and wreckage , with international independent authentication ...

The representatives of the Government of Malaysia are not reliable sources of credible and worthy to command the search operations and provide information about what really, or worse yet, what may be happening, happened flight MH370
Dia da Terra
March 24, 2014

#MH370  missing Malaysia Airlines:  (Alert security authorities of international air traffic)

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À Rainha de Curitiba...

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Majestade incontestável de beleza, charme, criatividade, genial capacidade profissional na sua atividade de Design, Feliz Aniversário!

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Formada pela UNICURITIBA em Design, presta serviços profissionais para grandes empresas em  São Paulo, depois de brilhante carreira profissional em Curitiba e é Freelance do Dia da Terra.
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Em concorridíssima disputa, nossa "Assessora em Design" foi eleita "A Rainha de Curitiba", por unanimidade de votos, pelo conceito corpo de jurados constituído pelo Dia da Terra...

Beijos, Feliz Aniversário!

Nós, do Dia da Terra, (3) te amamos!

domingo, 23 de março de 2014

Ukraine: The big differences between Obama and Putin is a real threat to global peace.

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Ukraine : The big differences between Obama and Putin is a real threat to global peace .

President Obama is a political leader with wingspan of " Statesman " ..

Obama is concerned and working for the benefit of the economic recovery in North America .

Obama fighting desperately to avoid the disastrous consequences of internal wars that can be avoided .

Obama believes in peace .

Obama fighting to make history as a President who made ​​a difference in global U.S. leadership in the world .

Obama is simple , honest , intellectually open to all political and geopolitical strategic possibilities .

And , as an example , Obama has proven his righteous character and good intentions in the case of nuclear energy in Iran

Obama has clearly demonstrated to be a " Man of Peace" good strategic sense and prudence in the face of barbarism and atrocities committed in Syria , with the cynical support of Russia , Iran , Syria and China .

The UN eventually is destroyed and demoralized globally before his inability to fulfill the purpose and main purpose to fight against injustices and international violations .

And the destruction of the UN is mainly due to the rising power to bluff Russia , China and Iran , through the Machiavellian power of veto.

The real threat to global peace is a reality on the differences between Obama and Putin ...

Obama , peaceful and well- meaning man , with clearly delineated basic ethical principles , in case of extreme necessity will react to provocation Putin .

The real danger lies in the analysis of the profile of Putin .

Putin is a KGB agent .

Putin is treacherous .

Putin is cynical .

Putin is not open and frank and just play dirty .

Putin has no internal support of the people of Russia and can try to create a classical situation of leaders who lose domestic support , appeal to extreme nationalism and create an external enemy .

Putin 's Russia is corrupt and bankrupt , therefore, unable to face the North American and European military power .

Putin is playing , no letters , is only bluffing , and that is dangerous .

The Putin is so cynical bastard, underhanded and cowardly that sends his KGB agents invade the Ukraine, and still has the courage to say it was not him who sent.

Why not send the Russian Army to invade and attack openly and face international consequences?

The Economics of Russia , destroyed by the corrupt communist , is unable to maintain economic annexation of the Crimea .

Putin , may, in personal despair , trying to save the burnt skin itself , playing Russia in a military adventure without chances of success .

All military and technological might of the bankrupt Soviet Union was brought down along with the Berlin Wall , but similar to Putin psychotic figures , the face of chaos , often lead collective delusional suicides , just see the example of Hitler promoting the invasion of Europe, ushering in the Second World War , the most critical and fragile time in Germany itself .

Hitler bluffed , Saddam bluffed Bashar Assad 's bluffing , bluffing is Iran , China is bluffing , bluffed Chavez , and the catastrophic actions of leaders liars and psychopaths result is printed in the daily headlines of international news

Earth Day
Brazil , Curitiba , March 23 , 2014

Ukraine: As grande diferenças entre o Obama e o Putin é uma ameaça real à paz global.

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Ukraine: As grande diferenças entre o Obama e o Putin é uma ameaça real à paz global.

O Presidente Obama é um líder político com envergadura de "Estadista"..

Obama está preocupado e trabalhando em benefício da recuperação econômica da América do Norte.

Obama luta desesperadamente para evitar as desastrosas consequências internas de guerras que podem ser evitadas.

Obama acredita na paz.

Obama luta para entrar na história como um Presidente que fez diferença na liderança global dos Estados Unidos no mundo.

Obama é simples, sincero, multi-racial, aberto intelectualmente para todas as possibilidades políticas e estratégicas geopolíticas.

E, para exemplificar, Obama já provou seu caráter íntegro e boas intenções no caso da energia atômica no Irã.

Obama demonstrou claramente ser um "Homem da Paz", de bom-senso e prudência estratégica, diante das atrocidades e barbarismos cometidas na Síria, com o apoio cínico da Rússia, do Irã, e da China Síria.

A ONU acabou, está destruída e desmoralizada globalmente, diante de sua incapacidade de cumprir o propósito e finalidade principal de lutar contra as injustiças e violações internacionais.

E a destruição da ONU deve-se principalmente à ascensão do poder de blefar da Rússia, China e Irã, através do maquiavélico poder de veto.

A real ameaça à paz global é uma realidade diante das diferenças entre o Obama e Putin...

Obama, homem pacífico e bem intencionado, com princípios éticos básicos claramente delineados, em caso de necessidade estrema vai reagir à provocação de Putin.

O perigo real está na análise do perfil de Putin.

Putin é um agente da KGB.

Putin é traiçoeiro.

Putin é cínico.

Putin não é aberto e franco e só joga sujo.

Putin não tem apoio interno do povo da Rússia e pode tentar criar uma situação clássica de líderes que perdem o apoio interno, apelar para o nacionalismo exacerbado e criar um inimigo externo.

Putin é corrupto e a Rússia está falida, portanto, sem condições de enfrentar o poderio militar Norte-Americano e Europeu.

Putin está jogando, não tem cartas, está só blefando, e isso é perigoso.

O Putin é tão cínico, canalha, dissimulado e covarde, que manda seus agentes da KGB invadir a Ukraine, e ainda tem a coragem de dizer que não foi ele quem mandou.

Por que não manda o Exército russo invadir e atacar abertamente e enfrenta as consequências internacionais?

A Economia da Russia, destruída pelos comunistas corruptos, não tem condições de manter a anexação econômica da Crimeia.

Putin, pode, em desespero pessoal, tentar salvar a própria pele queimada, jogando a Russia numa aventura militar sem chances de sucesso.

Todo o poderio militar-tecnológica da falida União soviética foi derrubado, junto com o muro de Berlin, mas figuras psicóticas semelhantes à Putin, diante do caos, costumam liderar suicídios coletivos-delirantes, basta ver o exemplo do Hitler promovendo a invasão à Europa, dando início à Segunda Guerra Mundial, no momento mais crítico e fragilizado da própria Alemanha.

Hitler blefou, Saddam blefou, Bashar Assad está blefando, Irã está blefando, China está blefando, Chavez blefou, e o resultado catastrófico das ações de líderes mentirosos e psicopatas está estampado nas manchetes diárias dos noticiários internacionais

Dia da Terra
Brazil, Curitiba, March 23, 2014

O Bairro Alto, Curitiba, agradece ao Prefeito de Curitiba Gustavo Fruet e ao Governador Beto Richa, pela conclusão da obra de asfaltamento da Av. da Integração.

Av. da Integração asfaltada...
Photos: Dia da Terra
Visão panorâmica da Serra do Mar, foto feita hoje, no Bairro Alto.
Photos: Dia da Terra

terça-feira, 18 de março de 2014

Brazil disgusting, repulsive, shameful

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Car drags woman by the PM Street North Zone of Rio See the video
Viatura da PM arrasta mulher por rua da Zona Norte do Rio. Veja o vídeo


Car of the Military Police of Rio de Janeiro dragging dead body of a woman, a Brazilian citizen who went to the bakery to buy a loaf of bread, but it was cowardly murdered by the military police, and then move the rear trunk of the car was dragged through the streets. 

Brazil disgusting, repulsive, shameful, causing hatred and anger on all citizens who live in this social mud that became the "rogue state".