sexta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2013

Curitiba Today

Photo: Dia da Terra
November 29, 2013, 17h:30m

Photo: Dia da Terra
November 29, 2013, 17h:30m

Pope Francisco: Back to primitive Christianity?

Pope Francisco
The resurrection the Primitive Church

selfless faith



Love of neighbor

Love of enemies

Help and distribute it to the poor and needy

Helping hand extended to sinners





Detachment from material goods






Dia da Terra believes the Pope Francisco, believes in his sincere simplicity and gives a vote of confidence to him, and putting themselves at your disposal to help you clear the Temple of the moneychangers expulsando faith, Pharisees, cynical, endemoniados and traders in human misery.

That modern Christians no longer the "decorated graves" No One who does not cheat more.

That modern Christianity back to its origins, into the house of Zacchaeus sitting at the well with the Samaritan women, all possessing distribute, forgiving the thief on the cross, incarnate the Beatitudes ...

That modern Christians no longer the "cuidados sepulcros" No

One who does not cheat more.

That modern Christianity back to its origins, into the house of Zacchaeus sitting at the well with the Samaritan women, all possessing distribute, forgiving the thief on the cross, incarnate the Beatitudes ...

Dia da Terra
Brazil, Curitiba, November 29, 2013

quarta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2013

Geological changes: Global Alert

New Zealand earthquakes may have weakened earth's crust according to researchers via @Telegraph

Dia da Terra
Brasil, Curitiba, November 27, 2013 - 07h:43

The future we want?

Dia da Terra
Brazil, Curitiba, November 25, 2013

domingo, 24 de novembro de 2013

Environmental protection: a fairer and inevitable war that mankind has ever faced

Google Image

Ggoogle Image

It's now or never ...

Dia da Terra
24 de novembro de 2013 - Brazil - Curitiba

On the plains of Freedom must prevail the courage of the brave

Google Image

On the plains of Freedom must prevail the courage of the brave, the courageous struggle in defense of the environment.

Google Image

The courage of the brave prevail once again over the shadows of the cowardly killers, hiding in the shadows of individual interests that destroy the Mother Naureza.

Dia da Terra
Brasil, curitiba, 24 de novembro de 2013

sábado, 23 de novembro de 2013

God created: man destroyed!

Google Image
Google Image
Google Image
Google Image
Google Image
Google Image
Google Image

The infinite human stupidity: the destruction of Planet Earth
Dia da Terra
23 de novembro de 2013
Brazil, Curitiba

climate action now

The Light and Darkness of the existential next generations, only depends on the decisions of today!

Google Image

What are you doing on defense and preservation of the global environment, which will prevent the extinction of future generations?

Google Image

Dia da Terra
Brasil, Curitiba, 23 de novembro de 2013

sexta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2013

Photos Dia da Terra - Brazil - Curitiba - Russia - #Россия - Now, November 22, 2013 - Free the 30

Photos Dia da Terra - Brazil - Curitiba - Russia - Now, November 22, 2013 - Free the 30
Photos Dia da Terra - Brazil - Curitiba - Russia - Now, November 22, 2013 - Free the 30
Photos Dia da Terra - Brazil - Curitiba - Russia - Now, November 22, 2013 - Free the 30

Dia da Terra
#FreeTheArctic30 #Россия #Greenpeace

terça-feira, 19 de novembro de 2013

Спасибо @VladimirMarkin , ты хороший парень ... #FreeTheArctic30 #Россия #Greenpeace


Спасибо, Владимир , ты хороший парень ...

Помогли в освобождении воина бразильского Ана Паула , но в дополнение к благодарю , я хочу задать вам еще один помощь : также вмешиваться в выпуске 29 других активистов Гринпис .

Они не преступники ...

Не угрожают суверенитету России ...

Не представляет угрозы для России.

Не крал .

Они воины в защиту лучшего мира , пропагандабезопасной среды для будущих поколений .

Они выступают мирно , Арктики, ее фауны , экосистемы, биоразнообразие.

Никогда не использовал оружие или любые другие опасные предметы, которые могут поставить под угрозу безопасность любого человека в России.

Они представляют собой возрождение надежды на лучший мир .

Ана Паула и его коллеги лица Гринпис с мужествомголод,холод, ничего не получит финансовую , оставаясь вдали от семьи , невзирая на опасности в море , путешествия месяцев , на словах тяжело, только защищать дельфинов, китов , тюленей, морских львов и других морских видов.

Вы будучи человеком судебной России, лучше меня знает, сколько молодых людей в этом возрасте используют наркотики , убийства, воровства и совершении других преступлений , которые действительно угрожают вам , для нас и для всех, во всем мире .. .

Вернуть паспорт Ана Паула Ана Паула предоставить билет обратно в Бразилию в специальном классе с VIP лечение , потому что она борется за сохранение окружающей среды для вас, все русские, всего человечества, в настоящем и будущем.

Может быть, вы не можете сделать, но она может, я могу, но у вас нет, потому что полиция тоталитаризма , которая царит среди вас.

Мы бразильцы являются друзьями всех людей в мире, не воюют , мы миролюбивые , игероиня Ана Паула является бесстрашным воином, но мирно , защищая меня, вы , наши семьи , и будущих поколений.

Если вы согласны , я представляю себе, как добровольным узником без сопротивления , чтобы заменить другие 29 активистов Гринпис .

Вы принимаете мое предложение ? Я представить себе спонтанно в представительстве России ближе к Куритиба или предоставить вам мой адрес для вас , чтобы арестовать меня .

Друг Владимир , прошу Правительство России благородна , который имеет мужество , чтобы освободить других 29 , снять все обвинения против них, извиниться за ошибку вы совершили , и возвращаем значение, Гринпис оплачиваются поручительств арбитражном суде .

Вы хорошие люди , русский народ благородный , веселый, любит музыку , танцы , верховая езда, насладиться природой, вы знаете, что я говорю о ...

Мы разговаривали ?

Я жду ваших немедленно принимаются меры для нас, чтобы решить эту проблему немедленно.

Если тебе нужен друг в Бразилии , я знаю, ваша помощь, чтобы погасить молодых Гринпис .


День Земли
Руи Сантос де Соуза
Бразилия , Куритиба 19 ноября 2013 года.

Thank you @VladimirMarkin , you're a nice guy ... #FreeTheArctic30 #Россия #Greenpeace


Thank you , Vladimir , you're a nice guy ...

Helped in the liberation of the warrior Brazilian Ana Paula , but in addition to thank , I want to ask you one more help: also interfere in the release of 29 other Greenpeace activists .

They are not criminals ...

Not threaten the sovereignty of Russia ...

Not pose a threat to Russia .

Do not steal anything .

They are warriors in defense of a better world , advocating a safe environment for the next generations .

They are advocating peacefully , the Arctic , its fauna , ecosystems , biodiversity .

Never used weapons or any other dangerous object that could compromise the safety of any person in Russia .

They represent the rebirth of hope for a better world .

Ana Paula and his fellow Greenpeace face with courage the hunger , the cold , get nothing financially , staying away from the family , facing dangers at sea, travel months , lip service heavy, only to defend dolphins , whales, seals , sea ​​lions , and other marine species .

You being a man of the Judiciary of Russia , knows better than I how many young people at this age are using drugs , killing , stealing and committing other crimes that truly threaten you, to us and to everyone, everywhere in the world .. .

Return the passport Ana Paula Ana Paula to grant a ticket back to Brazil in a special class with VIP treatment because she is fighting for the preservation of the environment for you, all Russians , of all mankind , in present and future .

Maybe you can not do, but she can , I can , but you do not , because the police totalitarianism that prevails among you .

We Brazilians are friends of all people in the world , do not make war , we are peace-loving , and a heroine Ana Paula is a fearless warrior , but peacefully , defending me, you , our families , and future generations .

If you accept , I present myself as a voluntary prisoner without resistance to replace the other 29 Greenpeace activists .

You accept my proposal ? I introduce myself spontaneously in Representation of Russia closer to Curitiba or provide you with my address for you to arrest me .


Friend Vladimir , I request that the Government of Russia is noble , who has the courage to release the other 29 , drop all charges against them , apologize for the mistake you have committed , and return the value that Greenpeace paid by sureties arbitrated by the Court .

You are good people , the Russian people is noble , cheerful , likes music , dancing , riding , enjoy nature , you know what I 'm talking about ...

We conversed ?

I await your immediate arrangements for us to solve this issue immediately.

If you need a friend in Brazil , I know your help to repay young Greenpeace .


Dia da Terra
Rui Santos de Souza
Brazil , Curitiba , November 19, 2013 .

Obrigado @VladimirMarkin, você é um cara legal! #FreeTheArctic30 #Россия #Greenpeace


Obrigado, Vladimir, você é um cara legal...

Ajudou na libertação da guerreira brasileira Ana Paula, mas além de agradecer, quero pedir mais uma ajuda: interfira também na libertação dos outros 29 ativistas do Greenpeace.

Eles não são criminosos...

Não ameaçam a soberania da Russia...

Não representam uma ameaça à Russia.

Não roubaram nada.

Eles são guerreiros em defesa de um mundo melhor, defendem um meio ambiente seguro para as próximas gerações.

Eles estão defendendo, pacificamente, o Ártico, sua fauna, ecossistemas, biodiversidades.

Nunca usaram armas ou qualquer outro objeto perigoso que comprometesse a segurança de qualquer pessoa na Russia.

Eles representam o renascimento da esperança de um mundo melhor.

Ana Paula e seus companheiros do Greenpeace  enfrentam, com coragem, a fome, o frio, não recebem nada financeiramente, ficam longe dos familiares, enfrentam perigos em alto mar, viajam meses, serviço de bordo pesado, só para defender golfinhos, baleias, focas, leões marinhos, e outras espécies marinhas.

Você que é um homem do Poder judiciário da Russia, sabe melhor do eu quantos jovens nessa idade estão usando drogas, matando, roubando e cometendo outros crimes que verdadeiramente ameaçam vocês, à nós, e à todos, em todos os lugares do mundo...

Devolvam o passaporte da Ana Paula, concedam à Ana Paula uma passagem de volta ao Brasil, em classe especial, com tratamento vip, pois ela está lutando para a preservação do meio ambiente de vocês, de todos os Russos, de toda a humanidade, no presente e no futuro.

Talvez vocês não possam fazer, mas ela pode, eu posso, mas você não, por causa do totalitarismo policial que impera entre vocês.

Nós, brasileiros, somos amigos de todos os povos do mundo, não guerreamos, somos amantes da paz, e Ana Paula é uma heroína, uma guerreira destemida, mas pacificamente, que defende eu, você, nossas famílias,  e as futuras gerações.

Caso você aceite, eu me apresento como prisioneiro voluntário, sem resistência para substituir os outros 29 ativistas do Greenpeace.

Você aceita minha proposta? Eu apresento-me espontaneamente na Representação da Russia mais próxima de Curitiba, ou forneço meu endereço para vocês prender-me.

Amigo Vladimir, solicito que o Governo da Russia seja nobre, que tenha a coragem de libertar os outros  29, retirar todas as acusações contra eles, pedir desculpas pelo equívoco que vocês cometeram, e devolver o valor que o Greenpeace pagou pelas fianças arbitradas pelo Tribunal.

Vocês são boas pessoas, o povo Russo é nobre, alegre, gosta de música, de danças, cavalgar, apreciam a natureza, você sabe do que eu estou falando...

Estamos conversados?

Aguardo tuas imediatas providências para nós resolvermos esta questão imediatamente.

Se precisar de um amigo no Brasil, eu saberei retribuir sua ajuda aos jovens do Greenpeace.


Dia da Terra
Rui Santos de Souza
Brasil, Curitiba, 19 de novembro de 2013.

Brazil National Anthem English lyrics - Ana Paula: #FreeTheArctic30 #Россия #Greenpeace

Ana Paula, Brazilian warrior worthy ascend to the pantheon of national heroes who pride Brazil ...

Ana Paula fills with pride the Brazilian Nation, in his fearless struggle in defense of the environment, in particular to risk his own life in defense of the Arctic ...

Citizen of the world, blessed Brazil for his courageous struggle in defense of the environmental safety of future generations around the world ...
Ana Paula - Greenpeace - #FreeTheArctic30 - Россия - Greenpeace

Ana Paula - Brazil
Brazil - Ana Paula - Let's add one more star on our flag
Dia da Terra


Dia da Terra
Brasil, Curitiba, 19 de novembro de 2013
Dia da Bandeira Brasileira

sábado, 16 de novembro de 2013

BatKid help: help free the Greenpeace activists

BatKid save San Francisco

The city of San Francisco, in the United States, promoted a touching show of solidarity for the benefit of human Batkid.

Beautiful, emocionate, an example of solidarity inspiring, and makes resnascer hope that there is still hope to save the human species.

Dia da Terra calls to all humans concerned about the future of the next generations, all activists in defense of the global environment, fighting in defense of preserving the environment for us to do a network support requiring Government and Juatiça of Russia to release all 30 Greenpeace activists immediately.

Let us imitate the action of the wonderful people of San Francisco, doing a campaign like the one made ​​in San Francisco.

Let's ask the BatKids the planet Earth, join forces and their superpowers in order to free the activists of Greenpeace.

BatKid, free #FreeTheArctic30

Dia da Terra
Brazil, Curitiba, November 16, 2013

BatKid Saves San Francisco

BatKid Saves San Francisco – How A City Makes A Boy’s Wish Come True.  via @urbantimes

Curitiba Now - Curitiba - Paraná - Brazil

Photos Dia da Terra
Curitiba - Bairro Alto
November 16, 2013 - 19h:26

Photos Dia da Terra
Curitiba - Bairro Alto
November 16, 2013 - 19h:26

Dia da Terra

Welcome to Curitiba - Brazil - Curitiba - Paraná

Photos Dia da Terra
November 16, 2013
Bairro Jardim Social

Photos Dia da Terra
November 16, 2013
Bairro Jardim Social

Photos Dia da Terra
November 16, 2013
Bairro Jardim Social

Photos Dia da Terra
November 16, 2013
Bairro Jardim Social

Photos Dia da Terra
November 16, 2013
Bairro Jardim Social

Photos Dia da Terra
November 16, 2013
Bairro Jardim Social

Рождество дома!

Рождество дома!
Рождество дома!
Рождество дома!
Рождество дома!

sexta-feira, 15 de novembro de 2013

Welcome to Curitiba - November 15, 2013 - Curitiba Zoo

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Photos Dia da Terra 

Dia da Terra
November 15, 2013
will post more photos in the next issue