domingo, 24 de outubro de 2010

The Climate Egg & Chicken Geological

Image popsci 

Which came first, the egg or the chicken?

As an analogy, the issue of climate change are directly linked to geological changes, as far as the egg is associated with the chicken, and nobody knows who gives birth to another, or who came first.

The fact is that there is no chicken without egg, and there is no egg without chicken , remains unanswered and the mystery of who came first: the egg or the chicken?

Studying the Earth's geological past, it is clear, easy to see that the periods of climate change are always associated with geological changes.

The climatic and geological cauldron of our past, define the conditions for the emergence of life, and determined, at different times, the extinction of various species.

The eruption of volcanoes, collisions with the Earth, formation of violent storms, tsunamis, earthquakes, acid rain, tectonic movement, geological fissures, gases in the atmosphere, advance and retreat of oceans, melting glaciers and training,
determine the geographical conformation of the planet Earth, and the geographical conformation of the Earth climate change, in a domino effect.

And not just on planet Earth, in all known cosmic vastness, geological conditions are determined by climate, or vice versa, the climate determines the geological conformation.

Violent or mild climate, high temperatures or in decline, are always directly related to hurricanes, typhoons, earthquakes, ice ages or warming of our planet Earth, a process of cause and effect.

Planet Earth, in its origin and has undergone major transformations colossal geological linked to the climate prevailing in each period.

Scientists today are losing the ability to associate natural phenomena in their real dimensions, for reasons of global economy, political pressures, lack of financial and technical resources, simple lack of centralized reporting, makes this association is not made inevitable: geological and climatic changes.

We are in one of many periods of extreme climate changes, which, of course, are related to geological changes: ocean temperatures, oxidation of ocean waters, direction and strength of winds, hurricanes of rigorous, large amplitudes of earthquakes in areas different, revealing a large tectonic movement on Earth.

The rains caused by climate intense unsuspected cause erosion of slopes and displacements ...

The exploitation of natural resources, destruction of forests, changes in river courses, high concentration of gases in the atmosphere are related to climate, causing significant geological changes ...

The difference in our day and prior periods, is that today, a high concentration of humans in small urban areas, living in subhuman conditions in poorly constructed entirely unprotected and vulnerable in matters of health, transport, security, communication, work, etc ...

The current environmental disasters, in addition to geological changes that are already occurring, and greater still occur in a short space of time, would have tragic consequences for which we are not educated, mobilized, and much less prepared.

Maybe it's too late for any effective action, but we could minimize the damage in loss of life, but there are strong indications that human civilization remains indifferent to such issues vital to the survival of our species.

Brazil, curitiba, October 24, 2010 - 13h: 03

O Ovo Climático & Galinha Geológica

Quem surgiu primeiro, o ovo, ou a galinha?

Fazendo uma analogia, a questão das mudanças climáticas estão diretamente associadas às mudanças geológicas, tanto quanto o ovo está relacionado com a galinha, e ninguém sabe quem dá origem ao outro, ou quem surgiu primeiro.

O fato é que não existe galinha sem ovo, e não existe ovo sem galinha, e continua sem resposta o mistério de quem surgiu primeiro: o ovo, ou a galinha?

Estudando o passado geológico do Planeta Terra, fica evidente, fácil de constatar, que os períodos de mudanças climáticas estão sempre associadas às mudanças geológicas.

O caldeirão climático e geológico do nosso passado, definiram as condições para o surgimento da vida, e determinaram, em diferentes épocas, a extinção de várias espécies.

A erupção dos vulcões, colisões contra a Terra, formação de violentas tempestades, tsunamis, terremotos, chuvas ácidas, movimentação tectônica, fissuras geológicas, gases na atmosfera, avanço e recuo dos oceanos, formação e derretimento das geleiras,
determinam as conformações geográficas do planeta Terra, e as conformações geográficas da Terra alteram o clima, num efeito dominó.

E não é só no Planeta Terra, em toda a imensidão Cósmica conhecida, as condições geológicas são determinadas pelo clima, ou vice-versa, o clima determina as conformações geológicas.

Clima violento ou ameno, temperaturas elevadas ou em declínio, estão sempre diretamente relacionadas com furacões, tufões, terremotos, períodos glaciais ou de aquecimento de nosso Planeta Terra, num processo de causa e efeito.

O Planeta Terra, na sua origem sofreu grandes e colossais transformações geológicas associadas ao clima predominante em cada período.

Os Cientistas de hoje estão perdendo a capacidade de associar os fenômenos naturais em suas reais dimensões, por razões de economia globalizada, pressões políticas, falta de recursos financeiros e técnicos, simples falta de comunicação centralizada, faz com que não seja feita esta associação inevitável: mudanças geológicas e climáticas.

Estamos em mais um dos muitos períodos de radicais mudanças climáticas, que, com certeza, estão relacionadas com mudanças geológicas: temperaturas dos oceanos, oxidação das águas oceânicas, direção e intensidade dos ventos, furacões de fortes intensidades, terremotos de grandes amplitudes, em áreas diferentes, revelando uma grande movimentação tectônica no Planeta Terra.

As chuvas provocadas por mudanças climáticas intensas, provocam insuspeitas erosões e deslocamentos de encostas...

A exploração de recursos naturais, destruição de florestas, alteração nos cursos dos rios, alta concentração de gases na atmosfera, estão relacionados com clima, provocando alterações geológicas significativas...

A diferença de nossos dias e os períodos anteriores, é que existe hoje, uma grande concentração de seres humanos em pequenas áreas urbanas, vivendo em condições sub-humanas, em construções precárias, inteiramente desprotegidas e fragilizadas em questões de saúde, transporte, segurança, comunicação, trabalho, etc...

Os desastres ambientais atuais, somados às mudanças geológicas, que já estão ocorrendo, e outras maiores que ainda ocorrerão em breve espaço de tempo, provocarão conseqüências trágicas, para as quais ainda não estamos conscientizados, mobilizados, e muito menos preparados.

Talvez já seja tarde demais para qualquer tipo de ação eficiente, mas poderíamos minimizar os danos em perdas de vidas humanas, mas há forte indicações que a civilização humana continua indiferente diante de tais questões vitais à sobrevivência de nossa espécie.

Brasil, curitiba, 24 de outubro de 2010 - 13h:03

domingo, 17 de outubro de 2010

climate change: pictures from 2010

Raquel Costa destaca no blog lista com argumentos contra o ceticismo climático que deu o q falar essa semana e um vídeo

@EcoInteractive The Deepening Crisis: When Will We Face the Planet's Environmental Problems?

@LiveScience Mass #Extinction Threat: #Earth on Verge of Huge Reset Button?: Diversity offers no protection against..

@EI_Climate #climate Disasters show 'screaming' need for action - climate chief: AFP UN climate chief Christiana ...

@CRKARLA The Nemesis Conjecture: Is an Unseen Binary Companion the Sun Sending Comets Towards Earth? (RT @dailygalaxy)

@El_Universo_Hoy El extraordinario caso de la lluvia roja sobre India

#ALERT #EARTH “We’ll undergo the same fate as the people on Easter Island." Frank Fenner, virologist #climate change

@GreenIsTweet Global #Warming Effects: 10 Startling Facts from 2009 - #Global #Warming - #Environmental #climate

Rolling the dice with evolution: Massive extinction will have unpredictable consequences

Very good >>>> RT @CRKarla Intelligent life on Earth: (RT @ZEROGreenhouse)

Climatologists: Noah Syndrome....................................

Climatologistas: Síndrome de Noé. ............................. #climatechange

RT @DianeN56 #Oceans on brink of mass #extinction - study: RT @OceanChampions

RT @grist The #environmentalist's paradox: we do better while the #earth does worse. @drgrist explains:

RT @DianeN56 The #environmentalist's paradox: we do better while the #earth does worse:

RT @DianeN56 Florida Coral Reefs Damaged by Cold Water: #ocean #florida RT @InvasiveNotes RT @therightblue

RT @folha_ciencia #Earth was spinning super-fast to the #poles, new evidence shows: # folha_com

RT @WeatherPlanet Space ribbon deployed to surf Earth's magnetic field.

NASA Studies Conditions That Make Storms Intensify - A six-week research mission could help forecasters accurately p...

Rolling the dice with evolution: Massive extinction will have unpredictable consequences

RT @EcoInteractive #Earth's crust pulsates in the Amazon basin

RT @DianeN56 Study: Mass #Extinctions Could Shake Up #Earth's #Marine Life:

Peças do "Quebra-cabeça" global... #UN #climatechange

Parts of the "Puzzle" global ... #UN #climatechange

RT @geographile Climate 'sceptic' Bjørn Lomborg now believes global warming is one of world's greatest threats

Read, very interesting analysis: RT @EcoInteractive We need a better understanding of the 'environmentalist's paradox'

RT @Allochthonous Canterbury earthquake really 3 quakes? [Bit unclear - one 5.8 foreshock, 2 pulses in main shock?]

RT @EnvironUpdates NPR: Scientist Watches Glacier Melt Beneath His Feet Full

RT @TopicfireNews: Scientist Watches Glacier Melt Beneath His Feet via

@guardianeco Google and Galaxy Zoo could aid global climate project

Google and Galaxy Zoo could aid global climate project #climate change #environment

A blindagem da ignorância ...........................................

The shield of ignorance .................................................

10 of 18 penguin species experience further serious population decline:

RT @mulhergorila Beach erosion can take the map

>>> Beach erosion can take the map - Gazeta do Povo

@RayBeckerman @2greenfish: Disasters show 'screaming' need for action - climate chief

A blindagem da ignorância ........................ #climatechange

The shield of ignorance .................................. #climatechange

@therightblue @EI_Ocean: #ocean Indian Ocean rising faster than others: Asian Age - amazing #science that #searise

Yahoo!: Sceptical green urges smart billions to fight warming (AFP) Full

@geosociety ¿Quieren ir a Colombia 17-21 Jan 2011? Neotectonics of Arc-Continent Collission (apply by 21 Sept. 2010)

RT @GreenWorldToday Scientist Watches Glacier Melt Beneath His Feet

RT @mongabay 83% of tropical agricultural expansion between 1980-2000 destroyed forests

@carbonmarket RT @greenmeme: Reuters: Diverse water sources key to food security: report

@DianeN56 Sharks not the villain of the sea, man is:

ENVIRONMENTAL ALERT >> RT @climateprogress Labor Day 2060: Endless summer -

ENVIRONMENTAL ALERT >>> RT @UT_Oceans The Shocking Statistics Behind World CO2 Emissions | | By: Charlie Hilton

@DianeN56 The Shocking Statistics Behind World CO2 Emissions | | By: Charlie Hilton RT @ruisaldanha RT @UT_Oceans

EnvHealthNews: Victims of north Idaho lead pollution still suffer physical, emotional ills. Full

@UN @Oxfam S.O.S. (• • • – – – • • •) "dit dit dit dah dah dah dit dit dit".

@Blackdogworld Making climate data free for all- At last, makes sense

@CRKARLA Entrevista desde #SETIcon a Dr. Alex Filippenko (Astrofísico profesor Astronomía) subtitulada al español:

@CRKARLA New Zealand earthquake rips a new fault line across the world:moving one side of the earth 11ft to the right

RT @Allochthonous Nice summary of #nzquake from Prof. Euan Smith [esp. rupture characteristics, risk of future quakes]

Discovery Earth: Amazon Carbon Map Revolutionizes Sequestration Scheme: Big Pic

@mongabay Peru's rainforest highway triggers surge in deforestation, according to new 3D forest mapping technology

Questão-Chave! ................................................. #climatechange

Key question! .................................................. #climatechange

Be one of those who likes eco-friendly alternatives to bottled water… RT @planet_water

Evidence of second fast north-south pole flip found

#NASASDO Scientist have "identified the closest looking solar system to our own" on the search for an Earth-like planet

Planet Earth forever???? @CRKARLA #CharityTuesday ZEROGreenhouseFoundation @ZEROGreenhouse

@Allochthonous Re last tweet: apparently S Greenland is subsiding due to rebound on N America drawing the mantle away. That's prettty cool.

@KQEDScience A cosmic coincidence is going to happen on 9/8 when 2 asteroids will fly Earth distance closer than the Moon

@climateprogress Philippe Cousteau: "Time is running out for ourselves and future generations." -

@geographile @ChrisAstro: The world now has a daily overview of large fires, thx 2 data from NASA satellites a new #UN

@CRKARLA #NASA The world now has a daily overview of large fires, thanks to data from NASA satellites and a new #UN

@CRKARLA #NASA Asteriods passing Earth near moon tomorrow worries. Visit:

Canterbury Earthquake - first flyover of fault tra...

@climateprogress Arctic non-shocker: Ever-thinning sea ice melts out as area, extent, and volume approach record lows -

@CRKARLA #NASAEarthObservatory New Climate Q&A: What can we do about global warming? (mitigate? adapt? alter?)

RT @IMFNews iMFdirect Blog: Global Safety Nets: >> Crisis Prevention in an Age of Uncertainty <<

==> @ClimateCentral Fascinating animation of worldwide water vapor movement in past 72 hours. Could stare ... #climate

@EI_Climate #climate Extreme weather offers glimpse of future:Newsroom Jersey Everyone else should expect more record

ALERT>>>>>> RT @Earth_News Guardian: Scientists investigate massive walrus haul-out in Alaska

@CRKARLA Intelligent life on Earth: #video (RT @ZEROGreenhouse) (In case you missed it)

RT @LiveEarth Impacto do aquecimento global no gelo do Ártico explicou.

#climatechange: quem sabe o próximo desastre ambiental, seja o bastante forte para convencer você.

RT @ShebaJo If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. ~Attributed to both A McIntyre & D Bok #quote

RT @TreeHugger Global Warming's Impact on Arctic Ice Explained (Video)

#climatechange: Quem sabe? Talvez no próximo desastre...

#climatechange: Who knows? Maybe next disaster ...

RT @DianeN56 Global Warming's Impact on Arctic Ice Explained (Video) RT @ruisaldanha RT @TreeHugger

where are the skeptics #climatechange??? @NWF WalrusesForced Ashore By Melting Ice: What's the Impact?

RT @UN_ClimateTalks News: As a tiny island nation makes a big sacrifice, will the rest of the world follow suit?;

RT @BreakingScience There’s a hole in the Moon! | Bad Astronomy via

RT @BreakingScience Há um buraco na Lua! | Bad Astronomy via

True Links of Planet Earth: Cosmic Space-Weather-Geology-Physics-Chemistry-Environment-archeology, astronomy, the rest is fun ...

Verdadeiros Links do Planeta Terra: Espaço Cósmico-Clima-Geologia-Física-Química-Meio ambiente-arqueologia-astronomia- o resto é diversão...

"Climate Watch" ===>

Relógio ambiental ===>

RT @CRKARLA #NASAEarthObservatory Arctic Sea Ice Minimum for 2010 [image]

@frankejames R: @350 "What can 1 person do when 6.8 billion are frying the planet?" //brilliant piece by @frankejames

EcoInteractive Lebanon’s Mediterranean Apocalypse: Scuba Diving In Waters Devoid Of Life


BrkingWorldNews Hungary sludge flood called 'ecological disaster' (AP) via

Climatechg Geoengineering solutions could prevent irreversible climate crisis, study finds

Equation of global warming - part 02 - #environment - #ecosystems - #biodiversity - #climatechange #geology

Equação do aquecimento global - parte 02 - #environment - #ecosystems - #biodiversity - #climatechange #geology

there are indications in the geological past of the Earth, climatic and geological changes that are associated ...

há indicações no passado geológico do Planeta Terra, que mudanças climáticas e geológicas estão associadas...

RT @USGSNews Unraveling Complexity of Haiti Quake Reveals Hidden Faults and Future Hazards

RT @NatGeoSociety #Blog: Expect More Floods as Global #Water Cycle Speeds Up - #environment

@theAGU: Video: How climate change is affecting air quality and atmospheric research #AGW

alert >> RT @EcoInteractive Birds Could Signal Mass Extinction

Dia da Terra: Civilização Robótica: é possível?

Civilization Robotics: is it possible?

@RosieEmery @ruisaldanha @InvasiveNotes @ZEROGreenhouse: Huge Parts of World R Drying Up:Land 'Evapotranspiration'

Civilization Robotics: is it possible?

I am not against modern technology, which promotes advanced and significant achievements for the benefit of medicine, knowledge of Artistic and Cultural, environmental, quality control of foods, Industry, Engineering, Commerce and many other areas.

Modern technology has promoted a significant and irreversible progress, the numerous human achievement.

But do not believe in the possibility of a future human-robotic-civilization, as our species, more technological resources at its disposal, could not live without the vital interaction with nature-structuring of our lives.

We have suffered the consequences, in our days, lack of contact from our species, with the vital elements of life: trees, clean water, clean air, bare feet in contact with the chemical elements of earth, rivers, oceans, waterfalls, animals wild, crafts, simple social life, and other mechanisms interaçãoe a holistic view with the universe ...

All bodies, all forms of life, all the basic elements of life, chemical and physical, inorganic and organic, cosmic scale, are interconnected and interrelated, so definitely, in a process bound by a chain, invisible but real, which gives rise to a relationship of mutual dependence of colossal and invisible forces that are directly related, in a permanent confrontation of Cause and Effect.

The essence of the human spirit for thousands of years of evolutionary scale, was one of surprise, astonishment, wonder, awe and puzzlement, directly related to the high degree of our ignorance primary in the face of unknown phenomena and feared.

To escape from fear and perplexity primordial impediments of life, create the need for dreams, fantasies, illusions, lies, and so many other outlets child-delusional.

Right now, with the loss of the vital elements for the existence of life of all species alive today, we face the possibility of a coma robotic civilization, without the essential elements of Nature, the Cosmos, the basic structural Cosmic chain that originated and maintains life.

This attempt at a human-robotic company, gave the result that we see in our present day:

01 - Apathy of many ...

02 - psychological depressive illness ...

03 - High degree of aggressiveness ...

04 - Destruction, vandalism, binge drinking of narcotic drugs, social disorganization, urban guerrillas, personality disorders and behavioral ...

05 - Contempt and indifference to the substantial and essential components of healthy lives, a kind of psychological, and physically very fragile ...

This issue deserves a thorough work of research by experts from different fields of human knowledge, to evaluate and correct the horizons of survival of our species.

Brazil, Curitiba, October 17, 2010 - 14h: 54

Civilização Robótica: é possível?

Não sou contra a tecnologia moderna, que promove avançadas e significativas conquistas em benefício da Medicina, do conhecimento Artístico e Cultural, do meio ambiente, do controle da qualidade dos alimentos, Indústria, Engenharia, Comércio e tantas outras áreas.

A Tecnologia moderna promoveu um avanço significativo e irreverssível, das inúmeras conquistas humanas.

Mas não acredito na possibilidade de uma futura civilização-humano-robótica, pois a nossa espécie, por mais recursos tecnológicos de que disponha, não poderia viver sem a vital interação com a Natureza-estruturante da nossa vida.

Já sofremos as conseqüências, em nossos dias, da falta do contato da nossa espécie, com os elementos vitais da vida: árvores, água limpa, ar puro, pés descalços em contato com os elementos químicos da terra, rios, oceanos, cachoeiras, animais silvestres, trabalhos manuais, vida social simples, e outros mecanismos de interaçãoe de uma visão holística com o Universo...

Todos os corpos, todas as formas de vida, todos os elementos básicos da vida, químicos e físicos, orgânicos e inorgânicos, numa escala Cósmica, estão interligados e inter-relacionados, de forma definitiva, num processo amarrado por uma corrente, invisível, mas real, que dá origem a um relacionamento de dependência mútua de forças colossais e invisíveis, diretamente relacionadas, numa confronto permanente de Causa e Efeito.

A essência do espírito humano, durante milhares de anos da escala evolutiva, foi de surpresa, espanto, admiração, reverência e perplexidade, diretamente relacionados com o altíssimo grau de nossa ignorância primária, em face dos fenômenos desconhecidos e temidos.

Para fugir do medo e da perplexidade primordial, impedimentos da vida, criamos a necessidade dos sonhos, fantasias, ilusões, mentiras, e tantas outras válvulas de escapismos infantil-delirantes.

Neste momento, com a perda dos elementos vitais para a existência da vida de todas as espécies ainda vivas, somos confrontados coma possibilidade de uma civilização robótica, sem os elementos essenciais da Natureza, do Cosmos, básicos da estruturante cadeia Cósmica que deu origem e sustenta a vida.

Esta tentativa de uma sociedade-humano-robótica, deu o resultado que constatamos em nossos dias atuais:

01 - Apatia de muitos...

02 - doenças psicológicas depressivas...

03 - Alto grau de agressividade...

04 - Destruição, vandalismo, consumo desenfreado de produtos entorpecentes, desorganização social, guerrilhas urbanas, desvios de personalidade e de comportamento...

05 - Desprezo e indiferença aos valores significativos e componentes essenciais das vidas saudáveis, de uma espécie psicológica, e fisicamente extremamente frágil...

Este tema merece um trabalho de pesquisa aprofundado por especialistas das diferentes áreas do conhecimento humano, para avaliar e corrigir os horizontes de sobrevivência da nossa espécie.

Brasil, Curitiba, 17 de outubro de 2010 - 14h:54

domingo, 10 de outubro de 2010

Equation of global warming - part 02 -

Google image

Equation of global warming - part 02 -
PIX 41988638045

(- Forests)

(- Biodiversity)

(- Ecosystems)

(- Environments preserved)

(- Grain for feed)

(- Drinking water)

X (multiplied)

(+ epidemics and diseases)

(+ saturation capacity of the UN relief)

(+ CO2 in the atmosphere)

(+ Fire)

(+ Global warming)

(+ Greenhouse)

(+ Hunger)

(+ Climate refugees)

(+ And endemic diseases)

(+ Social disorganization)

(+ Warming the earth's crust)

(+ Intense hurricanes)

(+ Earthquake of strong intensity)

(+ Abrupt climate change)

(+ Melting glaciers)

(+ Increase in sea level)

(+ Movement of tectonic plates)

(+ Oxidation of the oceans)

(+ Urban displacements of slopes)

(+ Volcanic eruptions)

(+ Social chaos)

(+ Breaking of dams)

(+ Infrastructure failure)

(+ Catastrophic floods)

(+ Environmental disasters)

(+ Changes in the magnetic axis of the Earth)

(+ Climate change and geological unknown and unpredictable)

(+ Economic crisis and collapse of world economy)

= (Equal)  self extinction of the human species

Brasil, Curitiba, 10 de outubro de 2010 11h:52

Equação do aquecimento global - parte 02 -

Equação do aquecimento global

( - florestas)

( - biodiversidades)

( - ecossistemas)

( - meio ambientes preservados )

( - grãos para alimentação)

( - água potável)

X (multiplicado)

( + CO2 na atmosfera)

( + fogo)

( + aquecimento global)

( + efeito estufa)

( + fome)

( + refugiados do clima)

( + doenças e endêmicas )

( + desorganização social)

( + aquecimento da crosta terrestre)

( + furacões de forte intensidade)

( + terremotos de forte intensidade)

( + mudanças climáticas bruscas)

( + derretimento das geleiras)

( + elevação do nível dos oceanos)

( + movimentação das placas tectônicas)

( + oxidação dos oceanos)

( + deslocamentos de encostas urbanas )

( + erupções de vulcões )

( + caos social )

( + rompimento de represas )

( + falência das infraestruturas )

( + enchentes catastróficas )

( + desastres ambientais )

( + alterações no eixo-magnético do Planeta Terra )

( + mudanças climáticas e geológicas desconhecidas e não previsíveis )

( + crises econômicas e falência da economia mundial )

= (igual) >>> auto extinção da espécie humana

Brasil, Curitiba, 10 de outubro de 2010 11h:52




( + Disasters - grain harvest)

(- starvation + Food)

( + Hunger + social disorganization)

( + Social disorganization + wars and conflicts)

( + climatic changes + change abrupt of temperature)

(- Forests - clean oceans + river unpolluted - biodiversity)

(- Green areas - care of the water galleries)

(- For the disposal of local galleries - sanitation)

(- Awareness of citizens - the efficiency of government)

(- Preserved biodiversity - ecosystems preserved)

(- Aware of the seriousness of global warming - environmental protection)


( + Heating steam from the earth's crust)

( + More torrential rain cloud)

( + More flooding + irregular occupation of land)

( + waterproofing of urban + melting of glaciers)

( + Landslide slopes landslides)

( + needless deaths)

( + Intensity earthquakes + volcanic earthquakes )

( + Movement of tectonic plates + rise in ocean levels)

( + Lack of energy collapse of urban infrastructure)

( + Hurricanes, increasingly intense + Tornados increasingly violent + Oxidation of Oceans)

( + fire out of control + air pollution emissions of CO2 )

( + Handling of the plates tecnôticas in unknown proportions)

( + Oil Spill in the oceans + methane + toxins )

( + Fires) ( + CO2 in the atmosphere)


BUTTER EFFECT = (Global Warming: the crust heats up, along with the room temperature), is the effect melted butter.

Curitiba, May 11, 2010 - 09h: 10m