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domingo, 22 de janeiro de 2012

Freudian Myth: "Super Earth"

Only the famous psychoanalyst Freud could explain the obsession with the human type "Super".

Superman and the Super-Boy ...

Wonder Woman ...

Batman: Super-Bat ...

Tarzan: the Super-Monkey ...

Super-Father, with a Super-Son, and a Super-Mom ...

Super-Computer ...


Super-Market ...

Super-Building ...

Super-Fridge ...

Super-Television ...

Super Channel ...

Lists of the "Super", is endless, everything is "Super".

"Small", "Medium" and "Large" are insufficient, it must be "Hyper", no matter what it is, has to be "Super."

All this need to always think about the "Giant" in the "Eternal" in "Unbreakable", the "Indestructible", the "Super-Powerful," is a mechanism "psychoanalytic" psychological compensation in the face of our inability to accept "fragility" of human life and the futility of our human ambitions.

The "Super-Earth" is a myth that needs to be "busted".

Planet Earth is not "Super", contrary to what we imagine is "Small", "Fragile," "Negligible," even in the small-scale cosmic Milky Way, in the face of unknown cosmic immensity.

The "Life" was only possible to happen on Earth, one of the few true "miracles" inexplicable, that Religion and Science, today, seek explanations, but can only theorize without definitive proof, scientific, or divine.

When we use water, we forget that it is ending, and what little there is polluted, unfit for human consumption ...

If you cut a tree, remember that the forests are dwindling, and we, and all other living species, depend on the complex bio-chemical process, executed by the trees.

When we breathe "air", vital to life, unaware that the physical phenomena in our "Star Staff", the Sun may, in the blink of an eye, wipe out the Earth's atmosphere and gravitational field of protection of our planet , and we suspect that has happened on Mars and the Moon

There is strong evidence that "Mars" was ever habitable, but today is a desert unbreathable, and the cause was probably the destruction of the magnetic field.

The Moon once had habitable atmosphere, also destroyed by the huge solar coronal mass activities.

Our Planet Earth needs special care: river, forest, atmosphere, biodiversity, ecosystems, environment, and key factors determining the future of our species insignificant, and extreme fragility.

No living species on earth, survives with so many difficulties, and the need to care for an extremely long period of time, nine months, as the human species.

The "Super-Earth" is a myth.

We are exhausting all forces, all natural resources irresponsibly.

We are managing the Earth with the same recklessness and indifference to manage the economy, the National Policy and International Wars, the Urban Transit, hatred and racial differences, the distribution of wealth, ideology, humanitarian and other ills, which afflict our species since the Garden of Eden.

We apply billion in football, in carnival, sex, wars, election campaigns, in fun, toys, luxury cars, majestic ships, but not a penny of "Scrooge" is for the preservation of health, and prolongation of life of Planet Earth.

Bombs exploded in the atmosphere, we dug deep wells to extract natural products, making the interior of the earth become a "Swiss cheese", without calculating the consequences geophysical

The Earth emits strong signs of exhaustion and significant changes as a result of irresponsible exploitation and environmental degradation.

The Earth is not "Super", is exposed to numerous dangers cosmic and other planets, moons and stars in the universe, are typical examples of what can happen with the Earth in the next few seconds, without notice, in spite of our arrogance into thinking we know everything and that nothing will happen to Earth in the next five billion years.

The naked truth, painful, and unacceptable, is that we know nothing, and can not be here in the next five billion years, five thousand years, five hundred years, fifty, or five minutes.

We know nothing about the instability, composition, temperature, age, origin, absolutely nothing about the core of the Earth's interior ...

We can not predict in advance when and where the next earthquake will happen ...

We can not predict in advance the direction of the winds of a tornado or hurricane ...

We can not predict in advance what will be the temperature of the next week ...

We know nothing about the age of the Milky Way ...

There, deep in the ocean, thousands of unknown species by man ...

We know nothing about volcanoes, underground link between magma chambers, expansion, emission of volcanic gases, and worse still deny the electrostatic regions at risk of imminent eruption.

Nothing is known about ocean currents, plate tectonics, and not yet determined if the glaciers are melting or not ...

Thousands of species are dying en masse from unknown causes, and even ridicule those who denounces.

There are over ten thousand meteors, not monitored, circulating in a possible collision course with Earth ...

We are destroying the Earth, but before it runs out, have destroyed our own species, with the deadly force of presumptuous ignorance ...

All ignorance is presumptuous, because the main evidence of wisdom is the recognition of ignorance ...

It is best to consult Freud, while you can, because the Earth is not "Super", and we're ending it.

Earth Day
Brazil, Curitiba, January 22, 2012 - 13h: 26

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